The following figure illustrates a few ways you can customize labels: Positioning-centric information is changing the way people, businesses and governments work throughout the world. We can also find it on the toolbar. If we use the arrow keys, we can actually lock it to a specific axis. And again, I can use this as the basis for creating more detail. So now that I've created that, let's go ahead and move on to the polygon tool. Another way to add detail to models is to use the offset tool. I'm trying to make an arc internal to a rectangle, tangent to the top edge. 2. So as you can see, the offset tool works really nicely to give you outlines of spaces that can be used for additional detail in your mode. And I'm going to type in the number four, for four inches, and that will make that exactly four inches. We have text for annotation and text for geometry. I like to think of it as a push-pull tool with a path. LayOut’s Linear Dimension () and Angular Dimension () tools can label a distance or angle. So I've got these edges here are all straight lines or solid lines, and these are all dotted lines. The main difference is that one creates smooth objects the other creates faceted objects. So we have also the 2 Point and 3 Point Arc. To create a new style, follow these steps: Open the Styles panel by toggling it open in the Default Tray. Read this article to learn how. So when I left-click and drag, notice how it's following along this path and it goes all the way down. Well this time I'm going to type in 12, just like I did with the circle. I'm using SketchUp Pro 2020, but these techniques will work in any version of SketchUp. And as you can see, that shape is drawn along a plane. 4 A-A. If we wanted to, we could move it some more, or we could rotate it, or scale it, or really do whatever we want with it. These SketchUp tutorials are suitable for a wide variety of fields: architectural design, landscaping, engineering, and even video game design. And I can do that to multiple edges. Please Note: Trimble is Closed December 24, 25, 31 and January 1st We will get back to you as soon as possible after the closure. We also have another inference right about here, and that's called Golden Section, and that's the classic eight to five ratio. Type OSNAP and make sure only Endpoint and Intersection snaps are “On.” 4. Now this is actually a piece of geometryand it actually works very similar to the Arc tool except it fills in the details. And so, again, I'm getting green and blue here and then snapping that. It's pretty straightforward. Using the Move Tool, click an endpoint on the sidewall and press Ctrl (Option) to drag a copy and snap it into place on the left side. So if I go on a surface that's going this way, it'll snap this way, it'll go along the ground, but we actually want to place it onto the actual trailer itself. Up arrow locks it to blue. So if I change it to say three, and hit Enter. So if we want to, we can type in specific values to get a specific effect. So here I have a simple house, and I've drawn just a basic rectangle for the door and the windows. So if I go on the outside, I can again type four for four inches, and we've got a nice outline to the door, except we've got a little problem here, it's pretty obvious, at the bottom. To snap to an endpoint, simply draw a line. So I'm going to go to my push/pull tool, hover over this, and pull it out. Now can just do this by using the standard selection tool, so I can left-click on an edge and shift-select a face and maybe another edge and another edge, but if you have a large model, you may need to select things a little bit more efficiently. With LayOut’s Label tool (), you create a label entity with a text box, a line (technically called a leader), and an arrow or endpoint that points to a specific item in the drawing area. The second one is the length. Now these are closed shapes so we'll find them under the Shapes menu. So, as you can see, the push-pull tool is a great way to make shapes out of curves and arcs, and it's a really handy tool to use. Parallel guide lines: Clicking anywhere (except the endpoints or midpoint) along an edge with the Tape Measure tool tells SketchUp that you want to create a guide parallel to that edge. 2. Up until this point, we've been using straight lines to create our objects. Now I'm going to delete that. 130 mm. We will walk through the majority of steps necessary to complete our work within SketchUp together - however, much of the work will require creativity and imagination as well as trial and error in order to obtain the required design/shape. And when I hold down the shift key,you can see how that gets bold. So I actually have a complete shape with a face. Not sure if I've made that clear. Now once I have this, again, I can use my Line tool to add to this and if I wanted to, I could fill this in and actually create a PAC-MAN. We can also use the line tool to draw on 3-D objects. And then also notice how we can get, the second angle can come up or down. So if I snap to one of these points here, left click, drag, you can see that I can go along the blue axis. So I'm going to select the Line tool here, and just draw corner to corner here, and corner to corner here, and you can see now, we have kind of a triangular box. And again, I can use my Arc tool. And when we do that, notice how the one that was derived from a circle has dotted lines, whereas the one that was derived from the polygon has straight lines. And here we've drawn something that's, again, completely off of either axis. So if I let go of this it creates a shape. And I really just made a simple square. Select the moving tool from the toolbar. Arrays are multiple copies of entities that you create in SketchUp. Shortcut key combinations override snap settings for one pick. So we're going to lock this to the blue plane here and just go ahead and left-click and drag out. And now the final one is the Pie shape. And the hotkey for that is R. Now we can also find this on the toolbar right here and if we pull this down you'll see we have Rectangle, Rotated Rectangle, Circle, and Polygon. Fast rotation in 3 dimensions. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and type that in. But what we're looking at now is 3D Text which is for creating actual geometry in the scene. All of a sudden it is no longer soft. We've looked at Rectangle and Rotated Rectangle,but now let's take a look at Circle and Polygon. And there we go. And again, we can have a radius, and if we want to we can rotate this tool to align the polygon to whatever axis we want. Then, open the line tool again and move your cursor to the end of the first line you drew. I scale my benchmark to the right until it aligns and snaps to the end of my line As we move into modeling, there'll be many times when you need to select faces or edges, or multiple faces or edges. So I'm going to go outside of the door. So, for that, Sketch-up has an eraser tool. When you select an entity, its bounding box has tools for moving, rotating, and scaling the entity, or you can use the keyboard or the Measurements box to enter precise changes. In addition to the Line tool, we can also draw shapes in SketchUp. Now this allows you to take any shape and push it and pull it in to 3D. Now that's because these are actually separate objects in the model, they're not connected to that roof, so what All Connected does is basically just walk through the model, and anything that's connected will be selected. Diagonal here, diagonal here, and I can also use my Rectangle tool to close this off. So again, it resolves the curve to individual straight lines. Right arrow locks it to red. If you want to be more precise, you'll have to start using Arcs. And notice how now I've got more of a soft look and then around here I actually have harder edges. And let's just go ahead and draw out a simple box shape here. This is kind of important. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS USING SKETCHUP PRO 2020 BY PAUL J LEE Dip Arch., B. Arch Sc. But there are a lot of tools that are a lot more sophisticated than this, and we'll get to those next. Now once I've done that the Rectangle tool will still remain active, and if I want I can continue to draw rectangles. So if I did this to this one here, I can right click again and do Unsoften. And that's one of the hallmarks of the circle tool, is that it will create geometry that will smooth as you do push and pull it. Or I can add to this to start drawing a 3D shape. And, again, we can use this as the basis for another rotated rectangle, if we want. Now one thing that SketchUp has is right-click menus. Now, by default, it can snap to red, green, or blue, and let me show you a little trick here. So if I were to say, take the Line tool here and just kind of move it along here, you'll see that it snaps to endpoints here. Now again, just as with edges, we can do an All Connectedand that will, again, select anything remotely connected to that face, but it will not select separate objects such as the windows. It changes from a black triangle, to a white triangle. I'm going to go ahead and click off of this, and then I'm going to select this edge here. We're going to draw out this base and then we're going to pull out what's called a bulge. To help you do that, LayOut includes several tools and features, including a grid, inference cues, and an Arrange menu. So we can do the opposite on this object here. A small circle will appear if you hover over the end of the line. Thanks for looking at my tutorial and I'll see you in the classroom. www. So let's do the same with a polygon. Now the dotted lines tell us that that particular edge is smooth, and when an edge is smooth it will basically not appear, and the object itself will appear to be smooth. And we can find them here on the toolbar here. So let's go ahead and go into the circle tool. And, again, left click. We have Lines, Arcs, and Shapes. Now we can set the number of segments before we actually use the tool. Turn off Snap in Sketchup #475099. So I specifically reduced the number of sides so that you could see it. So let's go ahead and create a label for this trailer. Left-click and drag and make sure you hold down left-click for the entire operation. ; In the upper right, click the Create New Style button ().SketchUp creates a copy of the currently active style in the In Model styles. Now let's take a look at how to draw circles and polygons in SketchUp. So I'm getting actual faces on each one of these, which I'm not getting here on the circle. Snap to edge from radius. Now another option that we have with faces is that we can select by material. Now another way to use the push pull tool is to actually add additional detail, so if I were to hold down the control key notice how a little plus sign comes up on the push pull tool. Now just like with a circle tool, we can align this to any axis we want. So for annotation we have things such as Dimensions, which allows you to add dimensions to your scene. So, as you can see, the Rotated Rectangle tool is a great way to draw shapes that are not aligned to the major axes of the scene. Start Rhino, using the Large Objects – Feet template. And when I let go, it's created exactly what I want. So let's go ahead and use that tool to create some railings for this scene. I'm not limited to just red and green. I see that if you start an arc from an edge but not the edge endpoint, then SU infers tangent arcs very nicely. Click in the check-mark… So now I have some window frames that are four inches wide and one inch deep. So we want to highlight the face inside the circle. So I can select one of these edges, and if I right click over it, you'll see I have an option to Soften that edge. The first one is the angle. To start modeling a vase, you need to create a profile outline of the vase. So, if I were to left-click here and drag, I could type in a number for the length of the base, so if I typed in say, 10 feet, it would lock it at 10 feet and then I could sweep through the angle and I could type in a specific angle, let's say 60 degrees. Now before I get started, I'm actually going to go ahead and cut this window in half. 3 years ago. In order to help everyone throughout this process - I have posted some scripts and will post videos that will assist you in using SketchUp and it's many tools. Let's go ahead and just drag that out, and again use my Push/Pull tool to pull that into 3D. We will build our model from start to finish, learn time saving tips for doing things like creating walls, editing materials, adding roofs, adding vegetation and war. And then, go to Follow Me. So, we already showed you how to soften using right-click. With your benchmark selected, hold down the Shift key and scale it until it snaps to the right endpoint of your line. Now once you select the tool notice how in the bottom right-hand corner we get a number of sides. Now when I do that, the text comes up in the scene and notice how it kind of snaps to whatever surface I have. And just go ahead and Shift deselect these faces so that only these edges are selected. And there we go. So, again, we can get a length as well as an angle. Let's go ahead and just pull it out by one inch, and you can see that it creates some additional detail. Now, I'm going to go ahead and snap this to green here. But we thought that starting it with the free ones, like SketchUp would be a good idea because there are a lot of people out there who are also just starting out. I don't want to highlight the step but what's inside the circle. Join George Maestri for an in-depth discussion in this video, Drawing curved and freehand shapes, part of SketchUp 2015 Essential Training. ; Open the Styles panel by selecting Window > Styles. So let's go through this one more time. In fact, if you zoom in, you can kind of see those straight line segments. This is what messes with my mind. So I'm going to go ahead and select that, and notice how the cursor changes to the Line tool, but it also has a little rectangle underneath it, and that tells us we're drawing rectangles. Draw a line from the edge of the shape to the right. Now if I want, I can go back to my Freehand tool and snap to the endpoints of this and draw another shape and if I snap to the other endpoint, it will fill in that shape, so I have this highly irregular shape, but it is a closed shape and I can pull that into 3D geometry if I want. And we'll get to this a little bit more as we go through the course. Now, the 3 Point Arc is kind of more for shapes that go around an angle and you can kind of create a shape that looks a lot like a PAC-MAN and you could see that here. You'll notice that when I activate this tool, it starts to highlight spaces. Is there a way to get the arc to snap to the tangent I want? Now, the Arc tool allows you to draw out a base and then sweep that base along an angle to create an arc. And that creates a circle. We just launched SketchUp Pro 2021! So I'm going to go ahead and select this, and again, just like with the Arc tool, we get the protractor. And remember, I have 12 sides to that.And go ahead and left-click and drag, and we're going to make that a radius of one inch.Zoom out so I can see everything. 2 - Setting up the SketchUp File: First I'll start up the program. So this edge basically, and if you click on it you'll see that it's actually 12 separate edges because that's how many sides I had to this circle. But these are shapes and we can pull them out into 3D. 4032 mm. In the View menu there's an option, that's on by default, called Snap to Point. Now typically when you draw a circle, you want to have a higher number of sides. One of the more important tools that you'll use in SketchUp is called the push pull tool. I'm going to go ahead and undo that, and let's go ahead and just use the eraser tool. And you'll notice that as soon as we activate the tool, it highlights faces. And if I go into View and turn off Hidden Geometry, you'll see that I have what looks like a cylinder except for this one face, so I have basically this smooth face here, and then this one here which isn't. If you have a SketchUp Pro subscription, you don't need a license! Next, hold down the … And when I do that notice you can actually seethe number of sides. So I'm going to go ahead and select a Circle tool and then for a number of sides instead of 24, I'm going to type in 12. Now I can do the exact same thing with this tool by double-clicking on it. So I'm going to go ahead and select one point, left-click and drag, say, along the green axis, and then as you can see, I can create this shape here. So again, I'm going to go to my offset tool and go over that space that is the door, but in this case, instead of going on the inside, I'm going to go on the outside. We can change the Font, we change it to Bold or Italic. So instead of snapping and pulling up I can just draw diagonally, Endpoint to Endpoint here, and snap along the red axis. To create a professional document, entities need to be arranged and sized just right. So all I have to do is just left-click again to lock in that length and then I can sweep this along an angle to create my arc. In the following illustration, the Endpoint object snap is on. Using sketch up 2020 we will create a three D model from A to D. Step by step. And, as you can see, we have almost a box. So again, process is you select another tool and re-select the tool, and that allows you to type in the number of sides. So again I can Soften this edge, and I can Soften this edge. And then I want to go ahead along the red until I get this snap here that tells me I'm across from that point. If I hover over this edge, again I can erase the edge. Now I'm going to use the Follow Me tool. Now, I've created these outlines just by drawing a straight line and a couple of arcs. ... Skitch > Screen Snap. If there is one 3D program that is hated universally in the 3D department here it is SketchUp. Now these two are kind of related because they work in the same way. But this is exactly the same as the circle tool. Now, what this does is it takes a space or a shape and then offsets it to create basically an outline. And then I can basically just do the same sort of technique,but just along a different plane. So I've got basically two tools here, the Circle and the Polygon, and they work very much the same except they have a little bit of a difference. Create a new number of sides is telling SketchUp how many straight lines the Default Tray entities you... Select this edge or pull it into an actual sketchup snap to endpoint of geometryand it actually works very similar to the of. Draw on faces in SketchUp then uses the Protractor in SketchUp main difference is that one creates smooth objects other! 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