Both the idea and the word are found in Matthew 18:6 (= Mark 9:42), where it is disguised by the translation “offend,” in the sense of “cause to stumble.” The same translation appears frequently elsewhere. If thy brother be grieved, now walkest thou uncharitably. . You cannot out-give the Lord! He is saying (and this was radical for a former Pharisee like Paul!) That is by far the greater offense. This elicits from the inspired writer a warning of judgment which will be swift and severe (Heb 10:30-31). But we should note that the decision whether a particular act is harmful, must be made by the individual concerned. Only when you see things from his level can you begin to encourage him through Scripture to release some of his inhibitions in exercising his freedoms in Christ. “And you want something that will strengthen your willpower?” asked the doctor. Apollumi then has to do with that which is ruined and is no longer usable for its intended purpose. Bibliography"Commentary on Romans 14:13". . BibliographyTrapp, John. This naturally coincides with OT exclusivism, particularity and separation. The judicial function of the church in these matters will be dealt with in a subsequent section of this paper. For this world in its present form is passing away.". If a particular material substance is known to be a dangerous, habit-forming narcotic drug — then that is certainly a valid special reason for abstinence from that particular substance. In the very nature of the case, the individual concerned must be the judge of the extent of legitimate use in such a case, so far as his conscience is concerned. Eido/oida is not so much that which is known by experience as an intuitive insight that is drilled into our heart. Your brother sees this and wants to fit in, so he orders a drink with his food, but in so doing, he violates his conscience. To deny this, means to make science, instead of God — the Lord of the conscience. Let us not therefore judge— He had before reproved the weak for censuring the strong in the use of their liberty: he comes now to restrain the strong from offending the weak, by a too free use of their liberty, in not forbearing the use of it, where it might give offence to the weak. And it seems to be assumed that some church members will abstain from the use of opium because of a church rule — who would not abstain if there were no such ecclesiastical regulation. . If a person believes it is a sin to do something that isn't inherently sinful, yet does it, he will have a guilty conscience. Paul underlines what he says with strong conviction: “I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus.” This could mean that the Lord had revealed these things directly to Paul, perhaps during his time in Arabia shortly after his conversion. Koinos gives us our word Koine, the Greek language commonly spoken and written in the Near East in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. And the passage means that we should resolve to act so as not “by any means” to be the occasion of leading our brethren into sin, either by our example, or by a severe and harsh judgment, provoking them to anger, or exciting jealousies, and envyings, and suspicions. In later Greek it came to mean what it means here, the profane as contrasted to the hallowed or the sacred. We may offer advice to others about doubtful things, but should never judge them. The hands, to begin with, had to be free of any coating of sand or mortar or gravel or any such substance. skandalon. Since things indifferent are not sinful in themselves — the Christian is free to use them except when there is some special reason for abstinence from them. Moreover, those who wish to introduce science as an additional authority — always speak as if it were a very simple matter to ascertain what science has to say on any particular question. A stumblingblock, or an occasion &c.] A lighter or greater offence to make him go halting to heaven. Cf.. Those who eat any kind of food do so to honor the Lord, since they give thanks to God before eating. Their greatest error in this regard was avoiding Gentiles supposedly to escape "defilement." to his own lord he stands or falls . Skandalon - 15x in 13v in the NAS - Mt 13:41; 16:23; 18:7; Luke 17:1; Rom 9:33; 11:9; 14:13; 16:17; 1 Cor 1:23; Gal 5:11; 1 Pet 2:8; 1 John 2:10; Rev 2:14. The conscience free from the commandments of men. It is important for the interpretation of the entire passage to learn from the context what the meaning is. When there is any doubt that the matter is sinful in itself — then it must be left to the individual conscience. Second, it refers to things which are unimportant because of their "commonness," as common as an "old shoe." 1859. not . The differences between the true and false conceptions of the separated life, may be shown by the following comparative table: 1. or "My soul is so burdened.". Ecclesiastical legislation concerning things indifferent extends beyond what Scripture warrants. "Commentary on Romans 14:13". But others cannot. In the first century, religious traditions based on the law were so important to religious leaders that they failed to recognize the One who personified the law, Jesus. (NLT - Tyndale House), Phillips: Let us therefore stop turning critical eyes on one another. https: Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. (Ep 5:2-note). (Detzler). "Commentary on Romans 14:13". The weak Christian, on the other hand, is wrong in his understanding about some of those things. Here he begins, in a more particular manner, to apply himself to the more strong and knowing Christians; counselling them to take heed, lest, by the abuse of their Christian liberty, they should be an offence to them that were weak and more ignorant. The Lord's command is to cut them off, even though they may be harmless in themselves. What an admission concerning the spiritual state of the church members for whom the rule is made! If you want to be authentic and useful for God, take an obstacle inventory. (See Spurgeon's comments on what it means to walk). ", Since the Christian is declared to be free to use or not use things indifferent — then it follows that any abstinence from things indifferent must in the nature of the case be voluntary, and not obligatory. Let us not therefore judge one another any more. Not to lay a stumblingblock — By moving him to do as thou doest, though against his conscience. 8:4-8.). The word rendered judge, has two different senses, and seems to be used in both in this verse. The Work of the Holy Spirit, Versus the Doctrines and Commandments of Men. We are to imitate God's love in Christ. He meant that the strong should consider the weak as fellow believers and equals in the body of Christ. (Romans 14 Word Studies in the New Testament). scandalum. 1909-1922. Why should I have to limit my freedom because of the weaker brother’s hang-ups? BibliographyWesley, John. All rights reserved, New Testament words in today's language- Wayne A Detzler, Common - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Clean, Unclean, Common - Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament. Abstinence from things indifferent, while it may proceed from consideration for the weak conscience of a brother — can never proceed from our own conscience, except in the indirect sense that our conscience requires us to be considerate of the weaknesses of fellow Christians; for if a thing is regarded as indifferent — then how could the use of it be sinful in itself, or how could we abstain because of our own conscience? You are not your brother's judge, Christ is. 13. The Holy Spirit is God — He is omnipotent, and He carries on in each of God's children the work of sanctification, until each is made perfect in the likeness of Christ. "Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable". If we give a wrong answer to the question, "What is the Bible doctrine of the separated life?" BibliographyCoffman, James Burton. (Ibid), Vincent - The close connection with destroy indicates that the meaning falls short of be destroyed, but is stronger than made to feel pain. ." . One strikes against ( προσκόπτειν), the result is a wound; but one stumbles against an obstacle ( σκανδαλίζεσθαι), the result is a fall. But our one sin that resulted in our brother’s sin does not cause him to perish. The conscience needs to be trained by this new insight into liberty. Some regard the two as synonymous, others as related to different results in the case of the injured brother. that we, even after the pardon of our sins, by reason of our corruption, weakness, and lack of watchfulness — are not only subject to be tempted, and forward to expose ourselves unto temptations; but also of ourselves unable and unwilling to resist them, to recover out of them, and to improve them . . Why? 2- 4). It was therefore applied to that which was ceremonially unclean. No better rule than this could be given to promote peace. Gossip, slander, boasting, bitterness, greed, abuse, anger, selfishness, and revenge all close the hearts of those around us to the message of God through us. and it is ourselves, not our brother, which we are to judge!" κρίνατε = make it your judgment—different from κρίνωμεν; cf. New International Dictionary of NT Theology. But you should not flaunt your liberty in front of a weaker believer when you know that it’s an issue for him (see 1Cor. When groups of earnest Christians demand separation from particular things, in themselves indifferent, as the condition of Christian fellowship — then they set up a false and unwarranted standard of fellowship, and become guilty of presumption by judging their brethren in those things in which Christ has left them free under God. https: They explain this by saying that if the weaker brother falls away so as to perish, then he was a “brother” in name only, not in actual fact. (2Pe 1:1) This faith is the possession of all of God’s people and not just a selected few. Is it really worth it to harm a brother just so I can enjoy some food? But they will make it if you just give them time, if you let them set their own speed. 3. The last verses of the passage deal further with this conception of uncleanness. The real meaning is that the Christian is bound to cut off occasions of temptation to sin. . Have your feet on errands of love been bent, Or on selfish deeds has your strength been spent? The ointment did not go out of existence, but was used for what they judged to be a useless purpose (were they ever wrong!). Acts 10:14 But Peter said, "By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten anything unholy (koinos) or unclean (akathartos).". Love foregoes its legitimate rights in order to promote the welfare of a brother. 15 sWewhoarestrongthaveanobligationtobearwiththefailingsoftheweak,andnottopleaseourselves.2 uLet… "Neither be partaker of other men's sins — keep yourself pure.". Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament. Idolatry is a serious offense because it violates the first and most important command: “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Ex. It’s no wonder, then, that Paul made a concerted effort to “put no obstacle in anyone’s way” (2 Cor. For various reasons, there are certain things that we all know are not sinful but that we do not feel comfortable in doing or even being near. Steven Cole - In a sermon on our text, Pastor Ligon Duncan commented that someone needs to write a book, Romans 14 for Dummies, and he would be the first to buy it, because this is a difficult text to understand and apply in its context. Natural revelation is insufficient for salvation — but leaves men without excuse and provides a standard by which those who lived and died without the light of special revelation shall be judged. That the Christian may continue in sin in order that grace may abound, is Antinomianism — which is one of the most harmful of all heresies. But if your conscience tells you it is wrong not to have it, and you don't have it, then you will suffer with a guilty conscience....The Lord wants a clean conscience. But even so, it’s difficult to apply these verses in a way that is true to the text. In a brother’s way. This is not the desire of God for as Peter writes. This principle, in the case of those who are themselves liberal and large-minded, should be not to put temptation in the way of their weaker brethren. (Romans 14 Commentary - Expositors Greek Testament), Barclay writes that "proskomma, means 'a barrier', 'a hindrance', 'a road-block'. Cross references. Having shown that it is sinful to judge fellow Christians concerning things immaterial and unessential, he proceeded to show how the governing principle in such forbearance is that of love for men who are beneficiaries of the blood of Christ, who have been redeemed from sin and made to stand in the body of Christ himself. Wuest gives us insights into koinos in his comments on the derivative verb koinoo, (Mk 7:15) - "The word koinos refers to that which is common to everybody. And as long as we feel discomfort about any such thing, we should avoid doing it—even if it would not cause offense to other believers. Paul now takes them both together, and addresses them with the same caution. You aren’t his judge; God is his judge and your judge, too! Agape chooses as an act of self-sacrifice to serve the recipient. That was the unique privilege of writers of Scripture. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." Our aim at all times should be to assist one another so that we none of us stumble. You have to know the hearts of the people around you so you can be sure to have an unselfish love for them. For an ecclesiastical judicatory to assert that science declares the matters in question to be harmful — therefore they are sinful under all circumstances — amounts to denying the sufficiency of Scripture and making human science an additional, equivalent authority. A man is regarded as innocent until proved guilty. Though these two words do differ in their etymologies, yet they have one and the same signification. Love does not insist on its rights if doing so would damage a weaker brother’s walk with God. I say this because it would require them to go against their own conscience, the very thing Paul was trying to avoid when he wrote Romans 14:13-23. It now signifies “let this be your decision,” or “determination.” Decisions thus made, in the exercise of our judgment in our service here below, will determine the nature of our reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ. There is, no doubt, general agreement among Christian people that such substances as opium and marijuana, for example, are so dangerous and harmful, that they should not be used at all. Choose Book of Bible to StudyGenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SolomonIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, Building Up One Another Without Offending, Part 1 - See dropdown list, Romans 14 Commentary - Expositors Greek Testament, Guidance: 67 Biblical Tests to Use in Deciding Upon a Course of Action, Building Up One Another Without Offending - See dropdown list, Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. (Ro 6:4-note), (God condemned sin in the flesh of His Son) in order that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk (peripateo) according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. So, next, the hands had to be held with finger tips pointing downwards and water had to be poured over them in such a way that it began at the wrists and ran off at the finger tips. "Let us not, therefore, judge one another any more, but judge this rather: that no man put a stumbling-block or an occasion to fall in his brother"s way.". By Julie Ackerman Link (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. In faith, hope, love ( cf do to reach down to him the only right course is... Has confidence that he shouldn ’ t help it his conduct their own ground and commandments of men understanding! That figure because a walk, of equal scientific standing, maintains the contrary position and tremendously... 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