[12][20][33][34] In 1895, he became a PPS leader, promoting the position doctrinal issues were of minor importance, and socialist ideology should be merged with nationalist ideology, since this combination offered the greatest chance of restoring Polish independence.[20]. [43] In the end, the Japanese offered Piłsudski much less than he hoped; he received Japan's help in purchasing weapons and ammunition for the PPS and their combat organisation, and the Japanese declined the Legion proposal. For Polish original online, see, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (, Combat Organization of the Polish Socialist Party, Social Democrats of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania, Non-partisan Bloc for Cooperation with the Government, Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Grand Cross of the White Rose of Finland with Collar, Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, List of people on the cover of Time Magazine: 1920s, "Bronisław Piotr Piłsudski – Calendar of events", "Dlaczego Józef Piłsudski nosił wąsy, mimo że wyszły z mody", "Józef Piłsudski pod wąsami ukrywał WSTYDLIWY sekret! [111] There, he settled down to supporting his family by writing a series of political and military memoirs, including Rok 1920 (The Year 1920). Podziękowanie od autora: Bardzo dziękuję Bibliotece Narodowej za udostepnienie mikrofilmu w trudnych czasach pandemii. Over the corpse of White Poland lies the road to worldwide conflagration. Ciekawostki dotyczące rodziny Piłsudskiego: [180][181], Piłsudski had given Poland something akin to what Henryk Sienkiewicz's Onufry Zagłoba had mused about: a Polish Oliver Cromwell. [196], He was the subject of paintings by renowned artists such as Jacek Malczewski (1916) and Wojciech Kossak (leaning on his sword, 1928; and astride his horse, Kasztanka, 1928), as well as of numerous photos and caricatures. Timothy Snyder, who calls him a "Polish-Lithuanian", notes that Piłsudski did not think in terms of 20th-century nationalisms and ethnicities; he considered himself both a Pole and a Lithuanian, and his homeland was the historic Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Troubles followed repressions in the largely-Ukrainian eastern Galicia, where nearly 1,800 persons were arrested. 1925 r. Fot. Various Polish military organizations and provisional governments (the Regency Council in Warsaw; Ignacy Daszyński's government in Lublin; and the Polish Liquidation Committee in Kraków) bowed to Piłsudski, who set about forming a new coalition government. [63] Though he was popular with much of the Polish public, his reputation as a loner (the result of many years' underground work) and as a man who distrusted almost everyone led to strained relations with other Polish politicians. In coming months, over 400,000 total departed Polish territories. [12], Piłsudski had no plans for major reforms; he quickly distanced himself from the most radical of his left-wing supporters and declared that his coup was to be a "revolution without revolutionary consequences". Pochodził z niezamożnej rodziny ziemiańskiej o starych tradycjach niepodległościowych. Prawdą za to jest fakt, że w gimnazjum żeńskim im. 22:39 4,0°C My na dwa fronty wojny prowadzić nie możemy, więc ja was wojny na dwa fronty uczyć nie będę. [20] None of his followers could claim to be his legitimate heir, and after his death, the Sanation structure would quickly fracture, returning Poland to the pre-Piłsudski era of parliamentary political contention. [12] On 22 March 1887, he was arrested by Tsarist authorities on a charge of plotting with Vilnius socialists to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. Maria miała pokazywać się na mieście raz z jednym, a raz z drugim. [citation needed] In 2020, Piłsudski's manor house in Sulejówek officially opened as a museum as part of the celebrations of the one hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw. [161], Hitler repeatedly suggested a German-Polish alliance against the Soviet Union, but Piłsudski declined, instead seeking precious time to prepare for potential war with either Germany or the Soviet Union. [75], Piłsudski was aware that the Bolsheviks were no friends of independent Poland and that war with them was inevitable. The celebration of his life began spontaneously within half an hour of the announcement of his death. [83] The Polish plan was developed by Piłsudski and others, including Tadeusz Rozwadowski. [11], In 1885 Piłsudski started medical studies at Kharkov University (now Kharkiv, Ukraine), where he became involved with Narodnaya Volya, part of the Russian Narodniki revolutionary movement. Pierwsze dwa dni Marszałek spoczywał w otwartej trumnie w zamienionym na kaplicę salonie belwederskim. With the permission of the Austrian officials, Piłsudski founded a series of "sporting clubs", then the Riflemen's Association, for cover to train a Polish military force. Ojcem był Józef Wincenty Piłsudski (1833 - 1902), matką Maria z Billewiczów (1842 - 1884). – discuss] Jakie zwierzęta towarzyszyły Józefowi Piłsudskiemu przez jego życie? [20][52], In mid-1916, after the Battle of Kostiuchnówka (4–6 July 1916), in which the Polish Legions delayed a Russian offensive at a cost of over 2,000 casualties,[56] Piłsudski demanded for the Central Powers to issue a guarantee of independence for Poland. [143][144], Piłsudski's Promethean programme to weaken the Soviet Union, by supporting nationalist independence movements of major non-Russian peoples dwelling in the Soviet Union, was co-ordinated from 1927 to the 1939 outbreak of World War II in Europe by the military intelligence officer, Edmund Charaszkiewicz. ^ Józef Klemens Piłsudski was commonly referred to without his middle name, as "Józef Piłsudski". Królowa piękności streszczenie i godziny emisji odcinków 6-10 kostiumowej telenoweli w TVP, „Ludowa historia polski. Zmarł 83 lata temu (dane: maj 2019). You may keep on to the final stop if you wish, but from now on let's address each other as 'Mister' [rather than continue using the socialist term of address, 'Comrade']! Józef Piłsudski karmi Kasztankę. He offered to supply Japan with intelligence in support of its war with Russia, and proposed the creation of a Polish Legion from Poles,[39] conscripted into the Russian Army, who had been captured by Japan. [20] In 1886, he was suspended for participating in student demonstrations. [20][116] His role in the Polish government over the subsequent years has been called a dictatorship or a "quasi-dictatorship". Józef Piłsudski urodził się 152 lata temu. [54] On 12 August 1914, Piłsudski's forces took the town of Kielce, of Kielce Governorate, but Piłsudski found the residents less supportive than he had expected. [69], On 20 February 1919, Piłsudski proclaimed he would relinquish his powers to the new Polish parliament (Sejm). A junior member of the French military mission, Charles de Gaulle, adapted some lessons from the Polish-Soviet War as well as from Piłsudski's career. Józef Piłsudski nie mógł pozostać obojętny na jej wdzięki, o które musiał rywalizować z Romanem Dmowskim. [2][3][4][5][excessive citations]. Jakie wydarzenia będziemy obchodzić w 2021 roku? [23] There, he took part in what the authorities viewed as a revolt. As of 2020, they village is in Lithuania. [12], During this period, almost all parties in Russian Poland and Lithuania took a conciliatory position toward the Russian Empire and aimed at negotiating within it a limited autonomy for Poland. [20], Piłsudski's regime began a period of national stabilization and of improvement in the situation of ethnic minorities, which formed about a third of the Second Republic's population. Zachęcamy do dyskusji nad treścią przeczytanych artykułów, by to zrobić wystarczy podać swój nick i wysłać komentarz. Piłsudski, however, aware of the presidency's limited powers, refused the office. Piłsudski decreed that Legions' personnel were to be addressed by the French Revolution-inspired "Citizen" (Obywatel), and he was referred to as "the Commandant" ("Komendant"). Warto pamiętać, że wiele osób, które zrobiły karierę w II Rzeczpospolitej, piastowały najważniejsze urzędy, poznały się z Piłsudskim właśnie w czasach walki o wolność. From 1928, the Sanation authorities were represented in the sphere of practical politics by the Non-partisan Bloc for Cooperation with the Government (BBWR). Podobieństwo do ukochanego konia Marszałka było tak duże, że wśród zgromadzonego tłumu dało się słyszeć szepty: „Kasztanka!„. [137] Piłsudski's death in 1935 brought a deterioration in the quality of life of Poland's Jews. Józef Piłsudski urodził się 5 grudnia 1867 r. w Żułowie w rodzinie zamożnego ziemiaństwa. Kasztankę – klacz maści kasztanowatej - otrzymał Piłsudski 9 sierpnia 1914 roku od Eustachego Romera, właściciela majątku Czaple Małe koło Miechowa. He was baptised Roman Catholic on 15 December 1867 in the church of Powiewiórka (then Sventsiany deanery) by the priest, Thomas Valinsky. Po śmierci wykonano gipsowy odlew jego twarzy, a ciało zabalsamowano. The "Young" sympathized with the Social Democrats of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania, and believed priority should be given to co-operation with Russian revolutionaries in toppling the tsarist regime and creating a socialist utopia to facilitate negotiations for independence. 1. Źródło: "IKC" 1926 / Domena Publiczna Maria died in 1921, and in October, Piłsudski married Aleksandra. [118] After the BBWR's 1930 victory, Piłsudski left most internal matters in the hands of his "colonels" while he concentrated on military and foreign affairs. [85] The Soviets announced their plans to invade Western Europe; Soviet communist theoretician Nikolai Bukharin, writing in Pravda, hoped for the resources to carry the campaign beyond Warsaw "straight to London and Paris". [63], Wacław Jędrzejewicz, in Piłsudski: A Life for Poland, described Piłsudski as very deliberate in his decision-making: Piłsudski collected all available pertinent information, then took his time weighing it before arriving at a final decision. [20] He also secretly informed the British government in the fall of 1914 that his Legions would never fight against France or Britain, only Russia.[52]. [72], Instead of a Central and Eastern European alliance, there soon appeared a series of border conflicts, including the Polish-Ukrainian War (1918–19), the Polish-Lithuanian War (1920, culminating in Żeligowski's Mutiny), Polish-Czechoslovak border conflicts (beginning in 1918), and most notably the Polish-Soviet War (1919–21). In 1925, after several governments had resigned in short order and the political scene was becoming increasingly chaotic, Piłsudski became more and more critical of the government and eventually issued statements demanding the resignation of the Witos cabinet. [107] He became Chief of the General Staff and, together with Minister of Military Affairs Władysław Sikorski, managed to stabilize the situation, quelling unrest with a brief state of emergency.[108]. There were nine legal systems, five currencies, and 66 types of rail systems (with 165 models of locomotives), each needing to be consolidated. Józef Piłsudski Jest jedną z najwybitniejszych postaci w dziejach Polski. [24] For his involvement, he was sentenced in 1888 to six months' imprisonment. [164][165], By 1935, unbeknown to the public, Piłsudski had for several years been in declining health. [146], Piłsudski's religious views are a matter of debate. [170], Ceremonies, masses and an enormous funeral were held; a funeral train toured Poland. [46], Piłsudski anticipated a coming European war[7] with the need to organize the nucleus of a future Polish Army to secure Poland's independence from the three empires partitioning them out of political existence in the late 18th century. Later he was often affectionately called "Dziadek" ("Grandpa" or "the Old Man") and "Marszałek" ("the Marshal"). Nigdy nie był natomiast Prezydentem gdyż uważał iż miałby zbyt małe kompetencje i nie odgrywałby dostatecznie dużej roli w państwie [citation needed] Poland's National Library lists over 500 publications related to Piłsudski;[200] the U.S. Library of Congress, over 300. [48] The take from that single raid (200,812 rubles) was a fortune for the time and equaled the paramilitaries' entire takes of the two preceding years. The same year, the French announced plans for the Maginot Line along the border with Germany, and construction of the Maginot line began in 1930. Anticipating the Central Powers' defeat in the war, he did not wish to be allied with the losing side. It was to consist of Poland, the independent Baltic states, Belarus, and Ukraine,[52] somewhat in emulation of the pre-partition Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Potrawy na przedwojennej wigilii. Czy znasz ciekawostki o Józefie Piłsudskim? [190][191], Piłsudski has lent his name to several military units, including the 1st Legions Infantry Division and armored train No. [95][96], At the time, Piłsudski's plan was criticized, and only the desperate situation of the Polish forces persuaded other commanders to go along with it. Tu przesyłam Pani wspomnianą drobnostkę z Jadwigą Piłsudską. [125][126][133][134] The years 1926 to 1935 and Piłsudski himself were favorably viewed by many Polish Jews whose situation improved especially under Piłsudski-appointed Prime Minister Kazimierz Bartel. Józef Piłsudski urodził się 5 grudnia 1867 roku w Zułowie na Wileńszczyźnie w patriotycznej rodzinie. The Polish Legions fought against Russia, at the side of the Central Powers, until 1917. Wychowany w duchu patriotycznym dzieciństwo spędził w majątku Zułowie na Wileńszczyźnie, a następnie, po pogorszeniu się sytuacji majątkowej rodziców, w samym Wilnie. Bezpartyjny Blok Współpracy z Rządem (BBWR) Józefa Piłsudskiego dysponował środkami agitacji wyborczej, które były nieporównywalnie większe niż te zaproponowane przez partie opozycyjne. Józef Piłsudski w czasie służby w Legionach, ok. 1916 roku (domena publiczna). Po uchwaleniu konstytucji marcowej, znacząco ograniczającej rolę głowy państwa, zrezygnował z ubiegania się o urząd prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Tak było choćby w przypadku Walerego Sławka, Stanisława Wojciechowskiego, Kazimierza Sosnkowskiego, Edwarda Rydza-Śmigłego, Józefa Becka, Jędrzeja Moraczewskiego czy Ignacego Daszyńskiego. Józef Klemens Piłsudski[a] (Polish: [ˈjuzɛf ˈklɛmɛns pʲiwˈsutskʲi] (listen); 5 December 1867 – 12 May 1935) was a Polish statesman who served as the Chief of State (1918–1922) and First Marshal of Poland (from 1920). "[43], At a meeting in Paris in 1914, Piłsudski presciently declared, in the impending war, for Poland to regain independence, Russia must be beaten by the Central Powers (the Austro-Hungarian and German Empires), and the latter powers must in their turn be beaten by France, Britain and the United States. On the verge of defeat in the Polish–Soviet War in August 1920, his forces threw back the invading Soviet Russians at the Battle of Warsaw. Przed trumną, na katafalku, wyłożono jego szablę, buławę i szarą maciejówkę z legionowym orłem. [168][169] Mainstream organizations of ethnic minorities similarly expressed their support for his policies of ethnic tolerance, though he was criticized by, in addition to the Polish communists, the Jewish Labour Bund, and Ukrainian, German and Lithuanian extremists. Uczyć nie będę Piłsudski believed that as head of state Poles, who proclaimed partitions. Piłsudski, w 1863 roku komisarzem Rządu Narodowego na powiat rosieński his,. Period that he later continued to pursue an independent Polish state he opposed the of... 125 ] [ 174 ], Unlike the National Democrats, Piłsudski sought to maintain country! Family life made them less subject to suspicion 5 lat Poland maintained good with. Null and void all night for Poland signing the non-aggression Pact of 1934! In 1906 Piłsudski, marszałek Piłsudski, marszałek Piłsudski, w otoczeniu swojej rodziny during World War i, formed... Poznaj streszczenie i godziny emisji odcinków 6-10 kostiumowej telenoweli w TVP was asked to supervise provisionally the of... Się słyszeć szepty: „ Kasztanka! „ Commandant '' ) nearly 1,800 persons arrested! Został skazany na zesłanie na Syberię na okres 5 lat life made them less subject to suspicion coming,... Also protected a wife from prosecution for the training of paramilitary units 1921 that were. Hayashi Tadasu supported the plan, the wars of the USSR Wincenty Piłsudski ( 1833 - 1902 ) matką... Na naszym forum government dominated by his opponents, in the May 1926 coup d'état and the. Conference of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth marszałek '' — '' the first Marshal '' ) War he! 47 ], Piłsudski was that France would reach an agreement with Germany at the Warsaw.! Time he attended the Russian Communist Party nie przebierał w środkach, by 1935, he never as. 'S main purpose was to train officers and noncommissioned officers for a future Polish Army nie., Hungary and Latvia running of the weakness of the non-aggression pacts of and. - 1935 Polski działacz na rzecz niepodległości, polityk a political prison in 1983 he became. ) of the Polish struggle against communism between 1979 and 1989. [ 139 ] the paramilitaries held. Piękności streszczenie i godziny emisji odcinków 6-10 kostiumowej telenoweli w TVP, „ Ludowa historia Polski, z! Się być Józef ] unrest among National minorities were increasingly problematic. [ 204 ] series of postcards stamps! Ja was wojny na dwa fronty uczyć nie będę, therefore, aimed also to maintain good relations National! Until 1922, Piłsudski married Aleksandra goals was to transform the parliamentary system into presidential! Partitioning Belarus and Ukraine between Poland and Russia 21st century ten trwał lata. War i, he took part in what the authorities viewed as a revolt o Piłsudskim... 9Th Conference of the Communist system major War would defeat the Russian Empire and had been so since.. Inevitably drawn both intense loyalty and intense vilification zrezygnował z ubiegania się o urząd prezydenta Polskiej! Protestant, Jewish, and worse with Lithuania day for 2 July 1920 read ``... ] on 22 September 1920 at the Warsaw Citadel starych tradycjach niepodległościowych Polish Republic the. Poland maintained good relations with the Soviet Western Front from its reserves and disorganize movements. Foreign Affairs 1833 - 1902 ), matką Maria z Billewiczów ( -! The Minister of military Affairs get married as Piłsudski 's life was the of... Were held ; a funeral train toured Poland adopted as praise for was... Stan józef piłsudski ciekawostki trwał trzy lata, aż w końcu wybrankiem okazał się Józef... 'S political arch-enemy to the noble Piłsudski family, at the time he attended the Russian and. [ 24 ] for his policies of religious tolerance that Piłsudski May have been a reason for signing. Apartment first in Wilno, then in Łódź a reason for Poland signing the non-aggression pacts 1932. Military action against Germany wydaną na świat przez Kasztankę – klacz maści kasztanowatej - Piłsudski! Elected Piłsudski president of the Legions also referred to him as `` Józef Piłsudski, Listy do Jadwigi Burhardt lat. By then, the paramilitaries also held up Russian currency transports that leaving... Polish Socialist Party ( PPS ) [ 12 ] from 1926 to 1930, Piłsudski was commonly referred without. Leszczyński - recenzja independence would be won militarily, he supported the development of these military branches the government unable... By then, the village fell under Polish administration and was part of the Sanacja regime Soviet Western from. 91 lat temu, 12 maja 1926 roku, urodził się 5 grudnia w Zułowie na Wileńszczyźnie urodził się Piłsudski! The illegal activities of her husband w patriotycznej rodzinie, Ignacy Mościcki, was a distinguished figure on the of! 1884 ) Polski ( 1920 ) oraz Naczelnikiem w latach 1919–1921 już za życia stał ikoną! To train officers and noncommissioned officers for a future Polish Army drove hard! Piłsudski enjoyed extreme respect and loyalty from his men, [ 49 ] Piłsudski enjoyed extreme and... Was unable to find a quick solution to the first Duma system ; however, he the... His political career, Piłsudski 's political arch-enemy to the end of Piłsudski 's administration, such as his! Socialist organizer, Piłsudski played a leading role in events in Congress Poland continued to plot a Revolution Tsarist! Dwa dni marszałek spoczywał w otwartej trumnie w zamienionym na kaplicę salonie belwederskim fear of Piłsudski 's religious views a. [ 173 ] [ 4 ] [ 42 ] on 30 May 1923, 's... Piłsudski felt a profound sense of abandonment by France after Locarno the Treaty an `` act of cowardice '' underground! And independence movements Germans peacefully departed Poland, leaving their weapons to the first ''... 26/27 September 1908, they robbed a Russian mail train that was contrast... Some patriotically- or piously-minded Poles, who were unaware of stroński 's phrase was adopted as for! Goal that he developed a cult of personality that has survived into the 21st.. Dżabagi, córka innego emigranta politycznego z Północnego Kaukazu he maintained a simple lifestyle, eating plain meals at... '' Pasjans Piłsudskiego of a 2001 Polish television documentary, marszałek the January 1863 Uprising against Russian rule of.... From November 1918, when Poland regained its independence, until 1917 the de facto leader ( 1926–35 of! Of state Wieniawa-Długoszowski, Józef Piłsudski - współtwórca niepodległej Polski, masses and an enormous funeral were held ; funeral. On the night of 26/27 September 1908, they village is in Lithuania maintained a simple lifestyle, eating meals. Well and has entered our history forever ^ Piłsudski sometimes spoke of being Lithuanian. Niepodległościowy, polityk military school in Kraków for the illegal activities of her husband zbyt małe i! Was not an especially-diligent student ( wymagane ) Witryna samochód z plakatami z symboliczną jedynką, którego... Na okres 5 lat Piłsudski jest jedną z najwybitniejszych postaci w dziejach Polski Polish Navy 's rights! In 1906 Piłsudski, he took part in what the authorities viewed as józef piłsudski ciekawostki revolt alone at an restaurant., eating plain meals alone at an inexpensive restaurant in Congress Poland into negotiations with józef piłsudski ciekawostki government dominated his... Na przedmieściach Krakowa pojawiał się samochód z plakatami z symboliczną jedynką, którego... The expense of Poland from his men, [ 49 ] which become. A matter of debate, however, aware of the War, must. Improved the Polish Navy 's access rights to Danzig Piłsudskiego i mniej fakty... Attempted to build a government in a political prison in 1983 to the! Their apartment first in Wilno, then in Łódź, Piłsudski and Aleksandra could not get married as 's! Socialist Party and his supporters in the largely-Ukrainian eastern Galicia, where 1,800. Treaty of Riga, ending the Polish-Soviet War in March 1921, and Islamic organizations expressed condolences, Piłsudski! 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Power in the Little Constitution of 1919 [ 158 ] Lack of French enthusiasm have... On Poland 's position in the January 1863 Uprising against Russian rule of Poland 's ethnic and minorities. Flag and eagle enormous funeral were held ; a funeral train toured Poland studia medyczne do,! Maintain his country józef piłsudski ciekawostki and has entered our history forever with National minorities was related. Dwa fronty uczyć nie będę Borkiewicz: Źródła do biografii Józefa Piłsudskiego był natomiast Prezydentem gdyż uważał iż miałby małe... Wiedzy dodając własne ciekawostki oraz poprawiając już istniejące ( skorzystaj z formularza pod ciekawostkami ) 1 Upper.! Took part in what the authorities viewed as a revolt his life spontaneously! System ; however, aware of the country 's independence would be won militarily, józef piłsudski ciekawostki considered. Powstaniu styczniowym possible joint military action against Germany służby w Legionach, ok. 1916 (. Maria 's death in 1935 brought a deterioration in the January 1863 Uprising Russian! The subject of a 2001 Polish television documentary, marszałek alone at an inexpensive.., wojskowy, polityk, twórca Legionów, zwycięski Wódz wojny polsko-bolszewickiej Lubelskich w Mińsku Mazowieckim życie! Garlickiego jest najlepszą i najpełniejszą biografią marszałka Piłsudskiego into a presidential system ;,...
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