degree in Naturopathy & Yogic sciences awarded by RGUHS or an equivalent qualification in the concerned specialty from an institution recognized by RGUHS/CCRYN are eligible for enrollment for Ph.D course in Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences. 8. RGUHS Time Table 2020 is available online at the official website, As per the notice, RUHS B.Pharm/D.Pharm 2020 exam has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstances. (iii) The research work can be suitably undertaken at the Institution/College. • Candidates with M-Pharm in Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy are eligible to register for Ph.D in any one of the 3 subjects. RUHS Pharmacy 2020 online application link is released by the officials on 14th October 2020. Degree in Pharmacy considered as equivalent by RGUHS, are eligible for enrollment for Ph.D course in Pharmacy. All the candidates intending to register for Ph. The new RUHS Pharmacy 2020 exam date will be announced later. C. If photographs are found mismatched in the application. Candidates should super scribe on the cover as "Application for Ph.D Entrance Exam-2020". All 10th Jobs ... RGUHS Results 2021 RGUHS Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, Ayurveda Results 2021:- Check RGUHS Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Result 2021. Mode of Payment: -Through ONLINE PAYMENT. If they completed properly, then the RGUHS exam results 2020 will be declared on site. RUHS Pharmacy 2020 exam pattern is designed by its conducting body RUHS, Jaipur. Eligibility:- A candidate who fulfills the following criteria shall be eligible to appear for the Entrance Exam, namely :-. The candidate must ensure that print out of his/her application with all enclosures mentioned in the brochure reaches the RGUHS. 1 min readUpdated on: Dec 21, 2020. Print out of application filled online, along with attested copies of all required certificates shall be sent by post or In-person for registration to "The Registrar, RGUHS, 4th 'T' Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560 041" by 15/02/2020, before 5.00 P.M. Computer-based. Diploma and three years for candidates possessing. All the interested candidates are requested to view the details of the brochure for the PhD entrance test mentioned below as uploaded by the varsity on its official website. We uploaded RGUHS B.Pharma important questions 1st semester, 2nd semester, 3rd semester, 4th semester and 5th semester question bank for 2020 exam preparation. Bengaluru: Through a recent notice, the … The time table is available in pdf format. Principles of basic Research methodology, The Principles of basic Research methodology syllabus is as follows, (1) Research Methodology: An Introduction, (2) Defining the Research Problem, Hypothesis, Generation of Hypothesis, (7) Processing, statistics and Analysis of Data, (10) Principle and methods of fundamental research method, literature, drug and research problem survey, clinical research, (11) Writing an article for a scientific journals. Disclaimer: This site is primarily intended for healthcare professionals. • Candidates with M-Pharm in Quality Assurance and Pharmaceutical Analysis are eligible to register for Ph.D in any one of the 2 subjects. RUHS Pharmacy 2020 exam pattern comprises the mode of the exam, the language it will be conducted in and subject wise break-up. The RGUHS 2020 MBBS admission is through NEET 2020. The RGUHS examination results 2020 was declared only for few UG & PG courses like BSc Nursing/ MBBS/ MCh/ BDS/ BAMS/ BHMS/ PharmD/ MD/ MDS/ Pharmacy (MPharm/ BPharm). To know more, see our. In case of loss of Hall Ticket, the candidates should contact the Chief Superintendent of the centre one hour earlier for assistance. Ph.D Entrance Exam -2020 is being conducted for the purpose of determining the eligibility for admission of students to Medical /Dental/Pharmacy/AYUSH and faculties for the academic year 2020-2021. Students can check the RGHUS Time Table on this page. Candidates who have appeared for the RGUHS … Any content/information on this website does not replace the advice of medical and/or health professionals and should not be construed as medical/diagnostic advice/endorsement or prescription. (iv) A Post graduate qualification in the concerned Specialization and faculty. 3:10. 10. Bengaluru: Through a recent circular, the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS… Revised List of Theory Examination Centres for Conduct of Pharmacy Examination - December 2017. RGUHS time table 2020 has been announced by the RGUHS Board. RGUHS AYUSH UG Exams 2020 postponed; check details here. Nursing and Post Basic Nursing Course Theory Exams - June/July-2020, Cicular - Online Application for Answer Script PhotoCopy, Postponement of PG Medical, Dental and AYUSH Theory Examination of May-2020, Revised List of Theory Centers and Attached Colleges for Nursing, Physiotherapy and Allied Health Sciences during April-May-2020 Examination, List of Observers for Nursing, Physiotherapy and Allied Health Sciences during April-May-2020 Examination, Updating the examiner's list Panel of Pharmacy UG and PG Exams 2020-21, Corrigendum letter for Time table of PG AHS - April 2020 examination, Time table of UG BPH (RS1), BHA (RS2) - April 2020 examination, Time table of PG AHS MHA (RS5) and MHA (RS2) - April 2020 examination, Revised list of Ayush Digital Valuation Centers and tagged colleges belonging to Feb-Mar 2020 examination, The list of UG (Nursing), Physiotherapy and Allied Health Sciences, Theory Centre List April-May 2020, Notification of submission of dissertation for the Nov/Dec 2020 examination of AYUSH courses, 2nd Slot - List of Observers / Squads for February-2020 AYUSH UG Examinations, Initiation of AYUSH Digital Valuation Centres Belonging to Feb / Mar - 2020 Examination, 1st Slot - List of Observers / Squads for February-2020 AYUSH UG Examinations, Revised List of AYUSH Theory Centers and Attached Colleges for Examination during February-2020, Circular - Regarding Non Receipt of Remuneration , TA/DA etc., for Exams conducted between January 2019 to June 2019, Providing the Number of Students Appearing for UG and PG Allied Health Sciences for April-2020 Examination, Time Table for PG Allied Health Sciences - April-2020 Examination, Time Table for UG Allied Health Sciences - April-2020 Examination, Notification for Digital Valuation Pharmacy Courses (All) - Starts from January 20.01.2020, Time Table for Conduct of BPT Theory Examination during April / May - 2020, Fee Notification for M.Sc Nursing, MPT and PG Allied Health Sciences Examination scheduled on April-2020, Time Table for Conducting M.Sc Nursing Theory examination during April-2020, Time Table for Conducting MPT Theory examination during April-2020, Notification for Online Submission of Dissertation of M.P.T for the Examination during April - 2020, Notification for Online Submission of Dissertation of M.Sc(Nursing) for the Examination during April - 2020, Fee Notification for B.Sc Nursing, Post Basic Nursing, BPT and Allied Health Sciences Examination during April / May - 2020, Time Table for Conduct of B.Sc Nursing and Post Basic Nursing Examination During April / May - 2020, 2nd Slot of Observers / Squad for Pharmacy (UG/PG) Examination of January-2020, Rescheduled Dates for Pharmacy Exams - 21.01.2020, Fee Notification for UG AYUSH Theory Examination During February - 2020, Fee Notification for PG AYUSH Theory Examination During April / May - 2020, Notification and Timetable for UG AYUSH Theory Examination During February / March - 2020, Notification and Timetable for PG AYUSH Theory Examination During April / May - 2020, Revised Notification - Conduct of Post Doctorate Fellowship and Certificate Courses Examination during February - 2020, Corrigendum - II Rescheduled Exam Dates - For Pharm-D (PB) Course Examination during Jan-2020, Corrigendum - I Rescheduled Exam Dates - Conduct of B.Pharm, B.Pharm-Semester System, Pharm-D, Pharm-D (PB), M.Pharm and M.Pharm (Semester) examination during Jan-2020, Revised B.Pharma, M.Pharma, Pharma -D and Pharma. Maximum duration shall be 7 years including course work, from the date of his/her provisional registration for all other faculty. Question Papers The University has scheduled MBBS examinations from 13th October 2020 vide timetable and fees notification. Candidates can apply online or in person till 15 February 2020. Bengaluru: Through a recent circular, the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) has informed about the postponement of MBBS examinations in October 2020. Diploma, M.Sc. whether: (i) To evaluate the research aptitude of the applicants. Registration committee of the respective faculty. Advance Notification for Conduct of AYUSH (UG) and B.Sc (AHS) Examination - February 2018, 2nd List of Observers / Squads Appointment Orders of MBBS and BDS December 2017 Examination, Revised List of Digital Valuation Centers with attached colleges for UG, PG, Nursing, AYUSH and Physiotherapy Examination September/October -2017, Appointment Order Copies of Observers / Squads for MBBS and BDS December 2017 Theory Examination, Fresh Theory Centres for Undergraduate Medical (MBBS) and Dental (BDS) Examination of December 2017, Circular - Regarding Extension of dates for Submission of Dissetation through online for PG Medical and Dental Subjects, List of Observers (2nd Slot) for Conduct of Theory Examination of Pharmacy November-2017, List of Observers for Conduct of Theory Examination of Pharmacy November-2017, Revised List of Theory Examination Centers for Conduct of B.Pharm, Pharm D, Pharm D (PB), M.Pharm - November 2017 Examination, Revised Time Table of BDS (All Years) Theory Examination of December 2017, Observers Appointment Order Copy to the Examination Centres of PG Medical / Dental of November 2017 Examination, Fee Notification for Super Speciality Examination of December 2017, Time Table for Super Speciality Examination of December 2017, Providing List of Eligible Students Appearing for Super Specialty Course Examination - December 2017, List of Digital Valuation Centers and Attached Colleges for UG / PG Medical Examination - Oct/Nov-2017, Revised PG Medical and PG Dental Exams Centre List of November 8th, 2017 Examination, MBBS TimeTable of December 2017 Examination, Advance Notification of B.Pharm & M.Pharm (Semester System) of December 2017, Revised Notification of Eligibility Criteria to Next Higher Class of Pharm-D Course, Time Tables of B.Pharm, Pharm-D, Pharm-D (PB) & M.Pharm Courses of November 2017, Circular Regarding Last Date of Submission of Dissertation for PostGraduate Students Admitted During 2015-16 Aca.Year for Medical & Dental Faculty, Fee Notification of B.Pharm, Pharm-D, Pharm-D (PB) & M.Pharm Courses of November 2017, Observer / Squad Appointment Order Copy for 1st MBBS - October 2017 Examination, Revised Theory Centre List of 1st MBBS of October 2017, MDS Theory Time Table of November 2017 Examination, Revised List of Centres for Digital Valuation of AYUSH Theory Answerscripts Sept/Oct-2017, Advance Information of Exam Schedule of MBBS and BDS December-2017 Examination, Fee Notification of MBBS and BDS December 2017 Examination, 2nd Slot list of Observers for Conduct of Theory Examination of B.Sc (N) / M.Sc (N) and AHS (PG) - October 2017 Examination, 2nd Slot list of Observers for Conduct of Theory Examination of AYUSH (MD) - October 2017 Examination, Advance Notification for Conduct of Super Specialty Course Supplimentary Examination during December 2017, Theory PG Medical Degree / Diploma Examination Time Table - November 2017, Second Slot of Observers for Nursing and BPT Theory Examination - Sept / Oct 2017, List of Observers for AYUSH, MPT, AHS Theory Examination -Sept / Oct 2017. #neet_exam_2020 RUHS Entrance Exam Date Announced !! Pediatric Oncology in Super Speciality - December-2019, Notification and Time Tble for Conduct of Supplementaty Examination for Superspeciality Courses During December 2019, List of Theory Examination Observer Squad Appoint Orders for UG and PG AYUSH, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Allied Health Sciences during September - October - 2019 Examination, .Final List of Theory Examination Centres and Attached Colleges UG and PG AYUSH, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Allied Health Sciences during September / October - 2019 Examination, .Final List of Theory Examination centers to Conduct Supplementary 1st MBBS Examination - October 2019, Appointment orders of Observers / Squads - 1st MBBS October 2019 Examination, Circular - Regarding Application for Photocopy, NA Valuation / Mismatch Correction, Corrigendum - Time Table for I year M D Unani Course Examination of October � 2019, Fee Notification and Time Table for Conduct of UG Medical and Dental Examination During December - 2019, Corrigendum for Conduct of 3rd and 4th Year B.Sc Nursing (RS4) Examinations during September / October 2019, Revised Notification and Time Table for Conduct of UG and PG Allied Health Sciences Theory Examination during September / October 2019, Revised Fee Notification for AYUSH UG Examination during September / October - 2019, Revised Time Table for AYUSH UG Examination during September / October - 2019, Revised Notification and Time Table for Conduct of M.Sc Nursing Theory Examination during September / October - 2019, Revised Notification and Time Table for Conduct of MPT Theory Examination during September / October - 2019, Revised Fee Notification for Conduct of PG Examinations of M.Sc Nursing, MPT, Allied Health Sciences during September / October - 2019, Revised Notification and Time Table for Conduct of BPT Theory Examination during September / Octobr -2019, Revised Notification and Time Table for Conduct of B.Sc Nursing Theory Examination during September / October - 2019, Revised Notification and Time Table for Conduct of Post Basic Nursing Theory Examination during September / October - 2019, Revised Fee Notification for Conduct of B. Sc Nursing, PB Nursing, BPT and Allied Health Sciences Examination during September / October - 2019, Postponement of UG/PG Theory examination of AYUSH, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Allied Health Sciences courses during September October-2019, Circular - Regarding Submission of Standardized Format Photograph while filling Examination Application Form and Convocation Certificate, Fee Notification and Time Table for 1st MBBS, Supplimentary Theory Examination - October 2019, Revised List. The Entrance Exam shall be conducted at the Centre(s) notified by the University. Bengaluru: The premier Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) has invited applications for Entrance Test for admission to PhD courses to Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, Nursing and AYUSH faculties for seats in affiliated colleges for the academic year 2020 - 2021. 9. When the Candidate, Ph.D guide and the research centre are in the same institution, the Course Duration for Full time course is three years and for part time course it is five years for all faculties except Medical. Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) officials will announce the RUHS Pharmacy Exam Date 2020. d) NOC from the Head of the Institution where the candidate is employed. (iii) The candidate who completed his/her post graduate degrees in respective branch are eligible for that branch/subject only. The University and Colleges under the university which are allowed to conduct Ph.D. programmes, shall decide on an annual basis through their academic bodies, a predetermined and manageable number of Ph.D. scholars to be admitted (Maximum 6 per Department) depending on the number of available Research Guides (Maximum 4 per Guide) and other academic and physical facilities available. And the Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences (RGUHS) has released Time Table 2020 MBBS for various Under Graduate & Post Graduate Courses. Revised List of Theory Examination Centres for Conduct of Post Graduate AYUSH, M.Sc(N), MPT & AHS Courses - October 2017. By Medical Dialogues Bureau Published On 2020-12-20T09:00:50+05:30 | Updated On 2020-12-20T09:01:18+05:30. Candidates leaving the hall prior to the end of the Entrance Exam will have to hand over the question paper to room invigilator and collect the same at the end of the Exam. January 22, 2020 by Successcds team in RGUHS Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka has commenced admissions to the various PhD courses. Revised Notification No. Candidates have to submit the online form on or before 13th November 2020. or M.S or Medical P.G. The registration of candidates for Ph.D will not be considered, if the candidate, guide and Research Centre are in three different places. Pharma News; Case of the Day; Editorial; Home; News; Medical Education; Medical Universities News; RGUHS informs on... RGUHS informs on Conduct of UG, PG final year theory exams of Allied Health Science December 2020 . The time table is available in pdf format. RGUHS postpones BDS exams October 2020 By Medical Dialogues Bureau Published On 2020-10-05T16:00:47+05:30 | Updated On 5 Oct 2020 10:30 AM GMT Bengaluru: Through a recent circular, the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) has informed about the postponement of BDS examinations in October 2020. Extension beyond the above limits may be considered by the Ph. RGUHS MBBS Results 2021. RUHS Nursing, Paramedical, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy Exam 2020 !! © 2020 Minerva Medical Treatment Pvt Ltd, Medical Dialogues Bureau consists of a team of passionate medical/scientific writers, led by doctors and healthcare researchers. D. programme in all other subjects expect those under Medical shall be for a minimum duration of three years for full time course and five years for part time course. You agree to our use of cookies by continuing to use our site. Moreover, the Rajasthan University of Health Sciences (RUHS) will conduct the RUHS Pharmacy Entrance Exam 2020 for the Admission into B. Pharm & D.Pharm courses. RGUHS pharma exams in September; students unhappy Pranab Da’s bond with Karnataka began with Indira campaign BBMP will remove illegal ads, photos of party leaders pasted all over city The MBBS admission through NEET 2020 score is yet to be declared by the university. 2. No changes in the scheduled date of Registrar … Click here to check the RUHS Pharmacy 2020 Syllabus. Our editorial team can be reached at RUHS Pharmacy 2020 Syllabus. The result for NEET 2020 is expected to be declared on October 16, 2020. Note: Registration fee is not refundable under any circumstances. • Candidates are not permitted to carry any electronic gadgets like Pager, Cell Phone, Bluetooth etc., into the examination hall. Friday, December 25, 2020 Education. 2. RUHS Pharmacy exam will be held in online mode. Nursing Theory Examination During September / October - 2018, Revised Fee Notification for Conduct of B.Sc (N) and PB.B.Sc(N) Courses Examination during September / October 2018, Notification and Time Table for Conduct of BAMS / BHMS / BUMS / BNYS Theory Examination During August / September 2018, Fee Notification for I Phase MBBS Supplimentary Examination of September - 2018, Time Table for I Phase MBBS Supplimentary Examination of September - 2018, Circular to Provide the Number of Students appearing for Allied Health Science Course (UG & PG) Practical Examination during August - September 2018, Time Table for BPT Theory Examination during August 2018, Revised Fee Notification for conduct of UG BAMS, BHMS, BNYS, BUMS, BPT & B.Sc Allied Health Sciences Theory Examination during August-September 2018, Fee Notification for conduct of BPT Course Examination during August 2018, List of Observers / Squad for UG Medical and Dental Examinations of July 2018 (2nd Slot), Fee Notification for Conduct of BAMS, BHMS, BNYS, BUMS & B.Sc Allied Health Sciences Theory Examination during August / September - 2018, Advance Notification to Conduct Theory Examination for M.Sc (Nursing), AYUSH (PG), Physiotherapy (PG) and PG Allied Health Science Courses - during September / October - 2018, Replacement of UG Medical and Dental Theory Examination Centres for July 2018 Exams, List of Observer / Squad for UG Medical & dental Examination - July 2018, List of Digital Valuation Centres for Dental PG/UG Examination held in the month of June / July - 2018, Advance Notification for Conduct of Under Graduate Physiotherapy Course Theory Examination during August / September - 2018, Advance Notification for Conduct of B.Sc Nursing PB B.Sc Nursing Course Theory Examination during September / October - 2018, Change of Theory Exam Centre for Superspeciality Course - July 2018, List of Examination Centres of MBBS and BDS Exams of July 2018, Circular Regarding Updating the Examination Panel of M.Sc (Nursing) - June 2018, Advance Notification for conduct of Undergraduate BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, BNYS and B.Sc (AHS) Theory Examination during August-2018, List of Observers for Conduct of MDS Exams - June 2018, Revised Theory Examination Centre to Conduct MDS Examination of June - 2018, Conduct of SuperSpeciality DM / M.Ch Theory and Practical Exam - July 2018, B.Sc Nursing Question Bank, Blue Print and Layout, Digital Valuation Centres with tagged colleges of May/June 2018, Revised Time Table of Pharmacy Courses of May/June 2018, Second Slot List of Observers for Conduct of Pharmacy Theory Examination - May / June 2018, Circular Regarding Updating the Panel of UG/PG Examiners for Ayurveda Faculty, Corrigendum for Conduct of B.Sc Nurisng PB B.Sc Nursing Course Examination during May 2018, Rescheduled Circular of Pharmacy Exam May 2018 due to Karnataka Bandh on 28.05.2018, Corrigendum Letter for BDS Theory Time Table July-2018, Revised List of Theory Centres for conduct of Pharmacy Theory Examination May / June - 2018, List of Observers for Conduct of Pharmacy Theory Examination May / June - 2018, BDS Theory Examination Time Table July-2018, Permission for using colour pencils in the examinations, List of Observer / Squad for Theory Medical PG Examination Centres of May 2018, Revised List of Left Over M.Sc Nursing Practical Examination Conducting Centers and tagged colleges - April 2018, Super Speciality Fee Notification - July 2018, Providing the number of students appearing for Super Specialty course examination July- 2018, List Of Practical Examination Centers And Attached Colleges to conduct M.Sc (N) - May 2018 Examination, List Of Practical Examination Centers And Attached Colleges to conduct B.Sc (N) And PB B.Sc (Nursing) - May 2018 Examination, Circular Regarding digital Valuation of Nursing, Physiotherapy and AYUSH theory answer scripts of April / May 2018 Examination, List of Digital Valuation centres for AYUSH PG theory answer scripts - May 2018 examination, List of Digital Valuation centres for Nursing and Physiotherapy (UG/PG) theory answer scripts May-2018 examination, Circular for Submission of Dissertation Dates for November-2018 PG Medical and Dental Examination, Theory Examination Centers and attached colleges for Conduct of PG Medical Exams of May 2018, List of Digital Valuation Centers and tagged Colleges to conduct AHS (UG/PG) theory paper digital valuation of March / April-2018 examination, Advance information of exam schedule for MBBS and BDS July 2018 examination and I MBBS supplementary examination, Fee notifcation for MBBS and BDS July 2018 examination, Revised Time Table of B.Pharm, Pharm-D, Pharm-D(PB) & M.Pharm Courses (Yearly Schemes) of May/June 2018, Time Tables of B.Pharm, Pharm-D, Pharm-D (PB) & M.Pharm Courses of May/June 2018, Revised Fee Notification of B.Pharm, Pharm-D, Pharm-D (PB) and M.Pharm Courses of May / June 2018, Notification and Time table for conduct of MDS theory examination during June 2018, List of Second Slot Observers for Theory Examinations of BPT, Nursing & AHS April / May 2018, Advanced notification for conduct of Super Speciality course examination during July 2018, Revised list of theory centers for conduct of Nursing (UG and PG), Physiotherapy (UG and PG), Ayush (PG) and AHS (PG) theory examination April 2018, List of observers for conduct of Nursing (UG and PG), Physiotherapy (UG and PG), Ayush (PG) and AHS (PG) theory examination April 2018, Fee Notification for conduct of BPharm, Pharm-D, Pharm-D (PB) & M.Pharm Courses Theory Examinations during May 2018, List of theory centres for conduct of Nursing (UG,PG), Physiotherapy (UG,PG) and AYUSH (PG) and AHS (PG) examination April 2018, Revised notification and time table for conduct of PG Allied courses examination during April 2018, Re-Revised fee notification for conduct of BHA examination during April 2018, Revised fee notification for conduct of BSc Nursing, PB BSc Nursing abd BPT examination during April 2018, Revised notification and time table for conduct of BSc Nursing theory examination during April 2018, Revised notification and time table for conduct of PB BSc Nursing theory examination during April 2018, Revised notification and time table for conduct of MD (Ayush) theory examination during April 2018, Revised notification and time table for conduct of MSc Nursing theory examination during April 2018, Revised notification and time table for conduct of BPT theory examination during April 2018, Revised notification and time table for conduct of MPT theory examination during April 2018, Revised time table for PG Medical examination of May 2018, Fee notification of PG MDS June 2018 examination, Revised fee notification for conduct of post graduate examination of AYUSH, MSc Nuring, MPT and AHS - April 2018, Notification regarding conduct of PG (AHS) examination during April 2018, Corrigendum for conduct of Post graduation examination of AYUSH, MSC (N), MPT and PG (AHS) during April 2018, Fee Notification of PG Medical May 2018 examination, Time table for PG Medical May 2018 examination, List of observers for theory centre conducting AHS (UG) examination during March 2018, Revised list of theory examination centre for conduct of AHS (UG) examination during March 2018, List of theory examination centre for conduct of AHS (UG) examination during March 2018, Notification and time table for conduct of Ayush (PG) theory examination Apr 2018, List of observers/squad (2nd slot) to conduct theory examination of Ayush (UG) during Feb/Mar 2018, Notification and time table for conduct of BSc (Nursing) theory examination Apr 2018, Notification and time table for conduct of PB BSc (Nursing) theory examination Apr 2018, Notification and time table for conduct of BPT theory examination during Apr 2018, Notification and Time Table for conduct of MPT theory examination April 2018, Notification and Time Table for conduct of MSc Nursing theory examination During April 2018, Circular for conduct of digital valuation of AYUSH theory answer scripts February 2018, List of digital valuation center for conduct of digital valuation of AYUSH theory answer scripts February 2018, Time table for conducting PG Allied Health Sciences courses theory examination April 2018, Providing the student list for Practical examination for PG AHS examination April 2018, Revised Time table for conducting UG Allied Health Sciences courses theory examination March 2018, Revised list of theory examination centers for conduct of AYUSH (UG) examination Feb/Mar 2018, List of observer/squad for conduct of AYUSH (UG) theory, Revised fee notification for conduct of under graduate BAMS, BNYS, BUMS and BHMS theory examination during Feb-2018, Revised time table for conduct of BNYS under graduate theory examination Feb-2018, List of theory examination center for conduct of AYUSH (UG) examination Feb/March 2018, Revised Fee notification for conduct of AHS (UG) theory examination March-2018, Fee Notification for Conduct of B.Sc (N), PB.B.Sc(N) and BPT Course Examination April - 2018, Fee Notification for Conduct of PG Examination of AYUSH, M.Sc (N), MPT and AHS April - 2018, Time Table for Conduct of UG Allied Health Sciences Courses Theory Examination, Feb / March 2018, Circular to Provide the List of Number of Students Appearing for UG Allied Health Sciences Courses Examination, Feb / March - 2018, Advance Notification for Conduct of PG Medical and Dental Examination of May / June 2018, Submission of Dissertation by Students Persuing Super Speciality Courses, Revised - Time Table Notification - Conduct of BAMS / BHMS / BUMS / BNYS Theory Examination during Feb/March-2018, Revised Notification for Online Submission of Dissertation of M.Sc(N) Faculty 2015-16 Batch, Notification for Online Submission of Dissertation of AYUSH Faculty 2015-16 Batch, Fee Notification of BAMS, BNYS, BUMS, BHMS, BHA, BPO & B.Sc Allied Health Sciences theory examination during February 2018, Advance Notification for conduct of PG Degree/Diploma theory examination of AYUSH, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Allied Health Sciences Courses - April 2018, Advance Notification for Conduct of B.Sc Nursing and PB B.Sc Nursing (UG) and BPT Courses Theory Examination during April / May - 2018, Submission of Dissertation Books of eusing M.Sc(N) and MPT April / May 2018 Examination, List of Observers for Conduct of Pharmacy Theory Examination - December 2017, Fee Notification of B.Pharm & M.Pharm (Semester System) of December 2017, Time Table of B.Pharm & M.Pharm (Semester System) of December 2017, Fee Notification and Time Table of Fellowship/Certificate Courses of Feb 2018. 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