II. Date of Writing: The Book of Joel was likely written between 835 and 800 B.C. We begin at sunup, but God begins at sundown. In his prophecy he may perhaps refer to the Assyrians or even the Babylonians, who both approached Israel from the North. Israel need not fear, for Yahweh will do great things for His people (2:20b). Rev. One of the major problems in the book concerns the description of the army in 2:2-11. Website HTML, editorial descriptions, and images ©2020 StudyLamp Software LLC. But, there isn’t any other information about the author in the Bible. Joel 1 - The terrible plague of locusts. God's judgments against the enemies of his people. The land was not productive (1:8-10); rather, drought conditions prevailed (1:11-12). 28:38-39, 42; 1 Kings 8:37), 2. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia. The second reference, however, refers to the experiential benefits or blessings that would follow national repentance. The locust plague--calling for repentance, II. During his PhD studies he completed the “arguments” for every book of the Bible. The book is … This set the stage for an appeal to the drunkards, who had no wine (1:5-7). 4:4-7), 3. God promises to pour out His Spirit on all mankind (Joel 2:28–29) 2. 19). 4 in Heb.). https://www.insight.org/resources/bible/the-minor-prophets/joel This fulfillment of Joel 2, in its larger context, will take place at a later time at the end of the Tribulation and will usher in the millennium and be accompanied by the signs in the heavens as seen in the seven bowls of the wrath of God (Rev. In this video I present a general summary of the book of Joel. Joel provides a graphic description of the locust plague ( 1-4 ) 2. Locusts are an instrument of divine judgment (Deut. The context clearly calls for Messiah's presence (2:26-27 and 2:32-3:2). Watch our overview video on the book of Joel, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Scripture linking and popups powered by VerseClick™. Author – Date: The author of the prophecy is identified only as “Joel the son of Pethuel.” In support of the view that the locusts are a figure of a future invasion are the following considerations: 1. Peter's use of Joel 2 is an illustration of the law of double reference. These were the Phoenicians, Philistines, Greeks and Sabeans (3:4-8). Judgment is to be proclaimed among the nations. Scripture linking and popups powered by VerseClick™. Verses 1-11: Invading armies occupy the land.
• Chapter 2-3, God calls His people to repent and return, if not, they will all be judged. He prescribes a solemn fast to deprecate those judgments. The Character of the Desolation, 1:2-12 B. The name Joel means "Yahweh is God." God calls Judah to repent (Joel 2:12–17) 3. If Israel did not repent, there would come a day in which Yahweh will deal very severely with His people (1:15- 20). It is possible, indeed probable, that 2:23 should be translated, "for he has given you a teacher for righteousness." Joel was written because of a locust plague (described in chap. Thus, it can be said that Peter used Joel to prove that the advent of the Spirit was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy and that "this" day of Pentecost was the fulfillment of the predicted "day of Pentecost" (Acts 2:1; Lev. Elsewhere Ryrie has said that Peter used Joel 2 as a homiletical device to draw people's attention to the fact that the Holy Spirit, not drunkenness, explained what they had seen and to urge people to call on the name of the Lord (Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21) (Charles Ryrie, "The Significance of Pentecost," Author: The Book of Joel states that its author was the Prophet Joel (Joel 1:1). Joel, declaring sundry judgments of God, exhorts to observe them. Joel opened his message with a statement that the desolation of the locust plague was unforgettable (1:1-3). The context clearly calls for Messiah's presence (2:26-27 and 2:32-3:2). Further, the locusts are always driven in the direction of the wind, not in two different directions as this army will be (Pusey, Minor Prophets, p. 187). Expositional Outline of Joel: I. 1. Verses 18-32: If the people repent, God assures restoration and abundant blessings. Locusts are similar to grasshoppers and can congregate in swarms of millions of insects, stripping bare crops, trees, and grass in their path.Both in ancient times and today, there was no way to stop them when they hit. We know almost nothing about the prophet Joel. 6:12) of the prophecy will come to pass. SwordSearcher Joel 3:16 is quoted in Amos 1:2; Joel 3:18 is quoted in Amos 9:13; and Joel 1:15 is quoted word for word in Isaiah 13:6 (E. B. Pusey, The Minor Prophets, 2 vols., 1:143-46). I. The priests were urged to lead the nation (1:13) in fasting and calling the elders of the people to repentance and supplication to Yahweh (1:14). The imagery of this section goes far beyond a plague of locusts. Rain will once again fall on the land; a Teacher of Righteousness (the Messiah) will accompany the prosperity. The day of the Lord, insect plague, valley of decision. Ultimately the book of Joel will find its fulfillment in the Great Tribulation, the time of Jacob's trouble, preceding the judgment of the nations (3:2) and the establishment of the millennial kingdom (3:10, 17-21). There would be no food; joy and gladness would depart; crops would not grow; granaries would be unused; the livestock would suffer from lack of pasture; range fires would devastate; and there would be no water in the empty stream beds. This invasion of locusts destroys everything—the fields of grain, the vineyards, the gardens and the trees. This army does unprecedented damage, "such as never was of old nor ever will be in ages to come" (2:2), 2. 1) in order to call Israel to repentance (1:13-20; 2:12-17). This judgment would take the form of an invading army (2:1-11) and devastating signs in the heavens (2:10, 30-31) followed by divine judgment in the nations (3:2, 12-16) and blessing for Israel (3:16-21). Home » Joel » You are reading » Detailed outline of the Book of Joel Bible Blender November 10, 2010 Detailed outline of the Book of Joel 2017-10-14T10:48:06-06:00 Joel No Comment Looking to the day of the LORD (prelude), Chapters 1:15— Joe 1:14-20. THE DAY OF THE LOCUST (1:1–20) A. Yahweh is sovereign and will use this army to accomplish His awesome purpose (2:11). He calls for people to weep over the devastation ( 5-12 ) B. One of the minor prophets, of whom nothing is known beyond the few hints furnished in his brief but valuable prophecy. Joel 3:16 is quoted in Amos 1:2; Joel 3:18 is quoted in Amos 9:13; and Joel 1:15 is quoted word for word in Isaiah 13:6 (E. B. Pusey, The Minor Prophets, 2 vols., 1:143-46). Meanwhile, Israel's enemies will be called to account for their treatment of Israel in the day of the prophet (3:4-8). OUTLINE: I. Literal and local plague of locusts, Chapter 1:1-14 II. Outline of Joel This outline of Joel is intended to assist you in your study of God’s Word — His letter to you. Peter quotes this passage (Acts 2), and the question concerns the relationship of Joel's passage to the day of Pentecost. At that time everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (2:32). Or does he use locusts as a figure of a future invasion from the North? The strongest arguments, however, favor an early date.
The genre of Joel is Narrative and Prophetic Oracle. The prophet's use of symbolism explains how he can compare the locusts to a human army. Finally, it should be noted that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Joel will be fulfilled after Israel's national repentance. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. Content. The Search OF the Savior: Why Jesus Came, Part 1 (Luke 19:1-10), Bible Storying Series - Teaching The Story Of God Chronologically, Bible Teaching Ideas: The Ten Commandments And Ten Fingers, OT: Introductions, Outlines, and Arguments. Call on the name of the Lord, Jehovah a fortress. to the OT Prophets, p. 154), 3. There is no reference to death, plunder, or the destruction of cities and the taking of captives, like human armies do, 4. OUTLINE OF JOEL I. The book is universally called Joel after its author. A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, 310-11; Robert B. Chisholm, Jr., Joel, The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty: Old Testament, 1413; Robert B. Chisholm, Jr., Interpreting the Minor Prophets, 54; Homer Heater, Jr., Notes on the Book of Joel, unpublished class notes in seminar in the preexilic Old Testament prophets [Dallas Theological … One of the 12 minor prophets, Joel penned most of his 73-verse book in the form of a poem. Outline of Joel. Further, there was a period in Judah's history when Queen Athaliah had usurped the throne (841-35 B.C.) Peter also used the Joel passage to urge his hearers to repentance (Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:21, 38-41). Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. This fact was made obvious years, later after Jehoiada died, when the people turned again to the worship of Baal. are terrified (2:6). to 312 B.C. Thus, the description is of literal locusts, 5. Nations (pl.) The Joel passage found fulfillment in Acts 2. The locusts of chapter one are used in chapter two as symbols and forerunners of a greater devastation at a later time. The Search OF the Savior: Why Jesus Came, Part 2 (Gal. But the author of this book, Joel distinguishes himself by giving us a name of his Father. God promises to restore Judah from the plague (Joel 2:18–27) 2. In that day the shout of worship will resound through the whole earth, "Yahweh dwells in Zion! Joash was in seclusion for those years and, even after 835 B.C., was ruling under the regency of the high priest (2 Chron. Joel invites the people and the priests to fast and humble themselves and seek God’s forgiveness. Bib. Joel's description fits the locust plague very well, 3. Matt. Summary Outline of Joel I. outline of the book (1:1-2:27) a. the land is laid waste (1:1-12) 1. The "This is that" (KJV) or "This is what was spoken" (NIV) could mean that the same Holy Spirit was at work in the outpouring on Pentecost. Some of the strongest refer to the enemies of Israel enumerated in the book. It is this remnant who will see the accompanying signs in the heavens (2:30-31) during those climactic days before the return of Messiah. “O Lord, to thee will I cry”: As the first to call to repentance, the prophet had to be the first to heed the warning. The Reactions to the Desolation, 1:13-14 C. The Picture of the Desolation, 1:15-20 D. The Prophecy of Future Desolation, 2:1-11 E. The Exhortation in … Most scholars date the book after the exile to Babylon (586 b.c. 112 [October-December 1955]:334). Joel 2:1-27 - The coming day of the Lord, repentance, and restoration. It is debated whether Joel is one of the earliest prophets or the latest. Chapter 2: The Day of the Lord begins. These anticipated blessings of this event are dealt with in Joel 3 (chap. Better Bible Study The Joel passage is not fulfilled in Acts 2. The absence of the mention of a king in Joel is not unusual since Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum and Habakkuk are pre- exilic and do not mention a king either. The Superscription (v. 1) B. What is the book of Joel about? 16) just preceding the Second Advent of Christ. It is possible, indeed probable, that 2:23 should be translated, "for he has given you a teacher for righteousness." This indicates that Jewish tradition considered the book of early origin (Merrill F. Unger, Introductory Guide to the Old Testament, p. 377). Source: OutlinesBB module from SwordSearcher. Joel provides a framework for later prophetic development of the theme "day of Yahweh" (the LORD). Read Joel Joel However, the law of double reference must here apply for Joel's main subject is to call the people to repentance in view of the impending "Day of Yahweh," in which Yahweh will sovereignly call His people to repentance during a time of unique astronomical signs (2:10, 30, 31). This view is correct as far as it goes but does not adequately explain the relationship between the day of Pentecost and Peter's use of Joel 2. He pastored churches from 1969 until 1994. No mention is made of the later Assyrians and Babylonians. thesis, DTS, 1976], p.45). He prescribes a solemn fast … This desolation has a double reference, not only to a future Assyrian or Babylonian invasion, but most especially to the climactic invasion during the campaign of Armageddon in the distant future. Lament over a great locust plague and a severe drought (1:1–2:17).. The Spotlight on a Recent Locust Plague (vv. God judges Judah (Joel 1–2) 1. Joel, declaring sundry judgments of God, exhorts to observe them, Joe 1:8-13. and to mourn. Young is representative of this view. This parallels Ezekiel 36:25-27, where the prophet prophesied the future ministry of the Spirit in promoting obedience to the decrees of God. This day of Yahweh will be one of darkness, gloom and cloudy blackness (2:2). Sac. Joel. Thus, we are on fairly safe ground, based on current information, to date the book at around 835 B.C. This fulfillment actually fulfills the eschatological significance of the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Joel used this agricultural calamity as the picture of a yet future devastation which could be avoided by true repentance. Joe 1:1-7. Locusts affect crops for one year; this army affects it for more than one year (2:25). The sun and moon will be darkened and the stars no longer shine (2:10). In view of the above it seems best to see that the actual historical occurrence of a locust plague (chap. to the OT Prophets, p. 154), 2. CHAPTER WISE SUMMARY: Chapter#1: The Plague of Locusts. If they respond, there will be resumed physical and spiritual blessings for the community. Joel 2:12, 13). to OT Prophets, p. 153). The invader from the North--calling for repentance, 1. , of whom nothing is known about Joel, declaring sundry judgments of God 's Word your study! 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