estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela

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Anyone have success with this protocol? 1. Your nurse will phone you with instructions by 5:00PM this day. It was my first IVF after a failed IUI. Antagonist Protocol or Short Protocol: This is the most commonly used IVF . Best of luck to ya and I hope your next cycle proves 'the one'!!! I am asking about supplements like CoQ10 and DHEA. The first IVF we suppressed first with birth control pills and then did Gonal F. We got 3 eggs, two of which were mature. Estrogen Primed Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol . HOORAY. 2TFR'ed. I have DOR (My AMH was 0.38 and 0.27 in 2016, but somehow it increased to 1.36 in Jan 2017). Countless BFN(s) [curious1] lcurtis8, it's a hormone that we produce plentiful as younger adults; as we age it decreases. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. I went through Dr. Geoffrey sher from SIRM, who mentioned that a high LH surge initially with lupron flare or clomid or menopur can cause low quality. Lupron Depot is used in men to treat the symptoms of prostate cancer (but does not treat the cancer itself). Sounds like CC.RM is doing EPP Oprah-style. When you all say protocol what do you mean? Dr. C apologized for the fucking nightmare of a cancelled cycle, and implied that maybe the other doctor we were seeing in the practice should have put the breaks on way before day 10 because there was LITERALLY NO RESPONSE. My husband is 39. DH and I have been TTC for 4.5 years or so: Dont get discouraged. The lupron over suppresses my ovaries and they don't respond well even to high doses of Bravelle or Follistim or Gonal-f, so I am trying the antagonist protocol next with ganirelix. I had elevated anticardiolipins. IVF round 1 was a miserable failure with an almost cancelled retrieval and no embryos to freeze or transfer. A couple of things to keep in mind with MDL, I started with a AFC of 7 (pretty average for me) and for the first several days of stimming (5 at least) there were only 7-8 growing and my E2 was super low. My first retrieval resulted in no viable embryos. My first retrieval was an antagonist protocol, and we only got one poor quality embryo (3CB). G&B born 6/30/14 at 33w3d via emergency c/s. At 43 I see now looking back it truly is egg quality. . Unfortunately, one of them did not thaw successfully. Primed with BCP. It is possible that the ovarian stimulation process on the egg donor would be shorter or longer than that shown above. IVF#4 (Dec2013/Jan 2014): Microdose flare+Saizen+testosterone 4 eggs retrieved, all mature and fertilized by ICSI, ET of 1 6-cell embryo an 1 8-cell embryo graded 2 and 3. He's also prescribed microdose lupron, gonal, low dose hcg, and pregnyl. Even though my eggs were older as I was 37 at the time, versus 35 when I started, we transferred 2 and were successful with a singleton. Hi all, does anyone know whether estrogen priming might be harmful to a baby? GnRH antagonist protocols have several advantages over GnRH agonists protocols. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. That said he did the exact same thing back to back and only got 4 and 1 abnormal blast. You start today right?!? I will access my frozen eggs in.june hopefully. My blog about IF and loss We then changed to a flair protocol for our third (I believe we used cetrotide in place of lupron but that might be regional difference). Fraternal girls born Dec 2010 2011 Dec-Natural BFP M/C at 8.5 wks 2012 Dec-Natural BFP . :'-( (Intralipids and Lovenox). ER #1: primed with aygestin, antagonist protocol (225 gonal f and 150 menopur, no omnitrope) baseline AFC (8 or 9 not sure), 5 follicles growing, 5 retrieved (estradiol 1200), all matured and fertilized, 2 day 6, 1 euploid. 43 doing mini-IVF, does this protocol look good? Im 42, have DOR and my AMH is .90. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. It seems to be . (The use of generic Lupron is acceptable.) He takes my input and works with me. trouble breathing. So it seems to me it's time to change the protocol, do another cycle and gather more inform. IVF3 (ICSI/CCS): Antagonist with EPP IVF 1 - on BCP protocol. What did do when you had a cancelled IVF cycle? Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol at Dominion Fertility (8 eggs, 4 . I did 9 IVF attempts in 2 years - high stim, low stim, mid-stim, estrogen-priming. Long Lupron protocol. My first 2 retrievals were in 2014, 2016 which were just egg freezing cycles and I cannot access due to covid. Did they convert to IUI? Does anyone have experience with this protocol? For my IVF cycle I was on bcps for two weeks. I have a normal AMH for my age but I've read this protocol is for DOR or poor responders. So for this 3rd FET my dr has added in estrogen injections. Has anyone done this Lupron STOP protocol? Well, if any of you can share tips, advice, experiencesI would greatly appreciate it! I have my egg retrieval on Thursday & was curious if anyone had similar timing & wanted to be my buddy. This is is my best response so far as I've never before had blasts to freeze. It worked for me! 1) focus on the quality (not quantity) of eggs. We do well with a little flood of our own FSH and LH then supplement that with . I had blocked tubes and everything else with me and DH was normal. 16dp5dt. I did lupron stop protocol for IVF#1, but I was still oversuppressed. Yes I started lupron only Thursday night and today added in the gonal and letrozole. Thanks! But after the estrogen my 3 follilces seemed to be more closely matched in size. For how long was the MDL given ? Wegot completely different results at 43 I got 6 eggs mature eggs & 3 embryos. 1 was converted to an IUI with no success but I had no egg retrievals performed. Start Lupron: Start your microdose Lupron 20 units subcutaneous injection twice a day. Hi ladies,My RE proposed for my IVF#5 the micro flare protocol with BCP priming. Clomid+ 150 iu follistim+150iu menopur and GH every other day. Thoughts on different protocols? IVF1 (ICSI): Long Lupron . I'm going to talk to the doctor soon about our options. They are concerned about egg quality. Foll, and Meno. I'm on day 8 of stim meds and only have 1 follicle at 13, and 4 others under 9. They also recently found scarred tissue on my lining. Any input / thoughts are greatly appreciated! Me: 33, Endocrine issues & FVL DH:32, Nothing. I just finished day 4 of gonal, microdose and letrozole. Just curious-What was your medicine protocol. EPP with CCRM has been my best cycle yet in regards to embryo quantity and quality! Thin Lining - stim protocol - suggestions? I'm looking for any feedback on microflare protocol using microdose lupron and ICSI. This community is sponsored by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, an Inspire trusted partner. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). So Im not sure how that changes for you, since you were able to get eggs. It seems to be less common, since most clinics batch cycle, and this one is based off your individual cycle. But I am starting my next as soon as my period starts. Devastated! I'm gearing up for my 4th IVF cycle next month. ", Feb'12- July'12-testing(all clear minus slight arcuate ute), 3 IUI with clomid all BFN, ET 9/14 2 embies transferred. I have stage III endo so it made sense to do BCP and Lupron as both can help push endo essentially into remission. Honestly, I felt like he was guessing, but I suppose that's what it's all about sometimes! A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. I did 2 FETs but did not get pregnant, Now I have just one embryo left. Anyone done this protocol? I tell myself the poor responder is compared with someone with PCOS and not a "normal" fertile person. I'm nervous that round 2 will go the same way as round 1. SCHEDULE. How do you recover from a failed IVF? 1st U/S @ 6w2d showed one perfect little heartbeat! Changing IVF protocols - any success or thoughts? I did microdose lupron flare protocol with my first IVF. The Finding a Resolution for Infertility Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. I have a consult with my doctor today. Had two follicles but one disappeared day of egg retrieval. Lazer T, Liu A, et al. I am going in for my 4th IUI in what was supposed to be an IVF cycle. I did 10 days of BCP, then Lupron, repronex and Gonal-F for about 10 days. During the first few days of Lupron, the ovaries are stimulated by the natural pituitary hormones (the flare . They did ICSE and both, I was reading another post about the cost of meds. How to Cope After a Failed IVF Cycle Cry and Sob and Wail. Canceled due to ovulation through Lupron. Thanks everyone. I have no idea if that's true but it gave me hope and made me feel better. The use of Lupron to trigger egg maturation over the past 4-5 years has gained popularity when given in a single higher dose (4mg) with aggressive supplementation of estrogen and progesterone following the egg retrieval. Oestrogen primed micro dose lupron protocol - here you take oestrogen 7 days after you ovulate and stop when you get your AF. Does anyone have any advise or success stories about this protocol. I did this protocol for my cycle. Beta1 9/10: 152.7! Bilateral Tubal Ligation. I'm wondering if any Im struggling with responding to meds over 40. trailer Corpus Christi, TX 78413. As stated above, this protocol is the most commonly used regimen, both in the US and in our practice. April '14 Planning IVF attempt #3. Since then its been a nightmare to thicken my lining. We ve tried PRPs, neupojin, Hello, I just joined and first post. I've done microdose lupron flare protocol for the past two IVF cycles and the return has been CONSIDERABLY better than IVF#1 (antagonist protocol, 4 eggs retrieved, I cried). Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. Four mature eggs were retrieved. In Focus. I am currently waiting on my period. Has anybody here had an experience with this protocol and was it successful? This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. They are giving three more days on stimming before making the call. But as I said.. It helps me keep the tiniest glimmer of hope alive! At my age of 42, I am praying for more than 7 or 8 eggs and better quality for PGS testing. ), I didn't do EPP, but am saying good luck! Second retrieval was agonist with lupron, and we ended up with two decent quality embryos (3BB, 4BB), one of which became my newborn daughter, who I am currently breastfeeding. Wowzers!!! GL! I have had 3 Doctors want to use Lupron in some form. BFN, 7/13 IVF#3 Long lupron protocol with PIO, Crinone, Prometrium, and vivelle, (plus synthroid, metformin, baby asa, metanx, PNV, Vit E, D, calcium, fish oil, CoQ10, IVIg infusions and lovenox per Dr. Kwak-kim). Moving forward with CCRM in 2013 i actually have a little extra orlissa, in case you'd like me to send it to you? It's crazy how so much of it is trial and error. Hi Ladies, After having 4 ruptured cysts caused by stupid bcp's, they make my anxiety go through the roof! For those of you unfamiliar, mini stim is for poor responders who don't have much luck in obtaining a large number of eggs. Your stories have all made me feel better. This treatment protocol is known as a "microdose flare." The initial injections of Lupron stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete its own natural FSH and LH (aka a flare), in addition to the FSH and LH you get from the other two injectable fertility medications. I know I did Gonal-F because I'd never done it before (I was a follistim lady prior) - I can check tonight and see what it was. GnRH agonists like Lupron are primarily used for the treatment of endometriosis and fibroids. Hello! Hello, Although the fertilization and clinical pregnancy rates were not different in the groups, the implantation rate was significantly higher in the microdose flare-up group than in the multiple-dose antagonist group (22% vs. 11%). Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. You're on your 4th so you should have a lot of good info guiding your RE in this direction For me, I did 3 IUIs with 6 follies initially, then 4, then only 2, respectively, and on IVF#1 I had only 2 follies so we canceled and just did IUI, all of this BFN, and IVF#2 only had ONE follie which we did the ER w/ICSI and it didn't fertilize. While some practices make a big deal over the choice of gonadotropin (some use only recombinant FSH, such as Gonal F or Follistim while others primarily use urinary hMG drugs such as Bravelle or Menopur), most studies suggest that there is very little if any difference in pregnancy rates between the different medications. 2TFR'ed. Others involve newer supplements such as DHEA, and still others involve the use of injectable medications such as growth hormone. What felt "cookie cutter" was that despite my great day 3 tests, RE put me on microdose Lupron flare protocol with 300 units of Follistim (150 twice a day). They removed 11 eggs, made 8 embryos, none made it past day 3. HiI'm new. I was diagnosed with high FSH (16). Er 1: 5 mature eggs, follistim 200 iu everyday with ganirelix, no menopur, no priming - frozen. This will be our 2nd IVF. Is this normal??? I just pray it works. So we wasted about 2 months on this, unnecessarily. An EPP for your friend. Besides, I hear regular lupron sucks so I'm grateful I didn't have to do that part. Valium(1 tab) Just checking in to see how you did with the flare protocol. Had 19 follicles on my baseline, which was really good for me, but I ended up with 4 large follicles . We got pregnant with my first IUI, but miscarried within 2 weeks. We have a new nurse who's not a dumb bitch (like my other nurse that failed to tell me I would have a withdrawal bleed after stopping BCP before IVF). 6R. fainting. Good luck! Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! I am excited to read all the success stories. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) improves the processes involved in natural sexual intercourse to help you conceive without undertaking IVF. Beta #1 @ 10dp6dt = 265; Beta #2 @ 14dp6dt = 1251. Also, if any of you CCRM girls have any words of wisdom, I will take those too! Two different clinics. Group Leaders communicate with staff moderators and escalate potential violations for review, but they dont moderate discussions. Rather than slowly suppress the pituitary over 4-5 days like Lupron does, these newer medications, Cetrotide and Ganirelix Acetate rapidly suppress the pituitary in a matter of hours. Protocols have several advantages over gnrh agonists like Lupron are primarily used for the treatment endometriosis. 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estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela