worm fanfiction godlike taylor

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No knowledge of League Of Legends Needed! Emotions are mostly in the endocrine system and thats a piece of cake to manipulate. Their powers just dumped all these designs into their heads and gave them ideas, but most of them simply build intuitively. . Why were you near a dumpster? Vicky asked, looking puzzled. There are other possibilities but they become successively less likely. Combat uses are less obvious but I guess being stung a lot would slow most people down if nothing else. True, she replied. That's going to need dry cleaning. Forget the freaking costume, Ames, and go on with the story, Vicky urged her. Shed known from her powers that Hive had wings, but she hadnt quite realized how large they were. Small consolation to her father, but Trailing off he sighed minutely. It seemed impossible, shed seen the photos of what had been in that locker when the fire was finally put out and there was no way Hebert was still alive. And yes, their senses could be used. My instincts tell me your instincts are probably right, one way or another. What do we tell the father? Armsmaster asked, half-turning to the door as he spoke, then waiting. The eyes were a work of art, no less than thirteen opsins covering vastly more than then normal human spectral range. Two months she said reflectively. She was similarly pretty if looked at more as a work of art than a weird looking human. not ALOT of conflict, but taylor is really powerful, and seems to be fixing problems slowly and doing with with the least amount of conflict she can. May as well tell you a story, she said, leaning back a little and bracing her upper body with all four arms. An AU, Taylor Hebert loses the capacity for speech after the locker incident. She saw Assault, minus his mask, glaring at her. Sort of just so competent and sure of herself. 'Nearly a week,' he thought, closing his eyes for a moment. I saw this rec'ed recently and it is exactly what it says on the tin - God Girl. But they werent fast enough to contain everything that slipped through. For nearly two years. Fuck me, Assault said, staring at her. It would be a massive coincidence if there was something else out there at the same time doing it. OK, weve got Thinker 9? This isnt going to go away quietly. Bearing in mind the damage and the loss of life, no, Director, I dont think it will. Moving to a chair the armored Tinker sat down carefully, mindful of the slight creaks produced by the weight of his power suit. Ill call you soon. Hive stepped back a few feet, watching as Amy nodded, then turned to walk up the path to the house. It could fit into either or both depending on the insects in question. It would be a considerably darker story that Taylor Varga although not to the level of unrelenting grimness that canon Worm is. She could here them poking around in the various possible hiding places, starting with the ones nearest the alley entrance. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It's a work of art. Is she a biotinker of some sort, then? I'm not sure, I guess she must be. After a moment she looked at him again. Sophia does have a habit of poking her nose into things. You believe she could have been directly involved, Director? Armsmaster sounded curious. Anyway, I need something to eat. I was loving this, and then the latest chapter with a fascinating Crystal who I am loving seeing the world from her perspective. Itll do for the moment. The wings began to flap rapidly as she lifted off. Well, until the S9 made a pit stop in Brockton Bay anyway, in the latest chapter. Taylor is the avatar of a Greater Being. Oh, yes. It would have been fairly quick, I believe, he added after a moment. Anyway, since I wrote it, I may as well let others read it. Thats is that normal? Not even slightly. She shook her head a little, a puzzled expression on her face. She was in there for hours, and absolutely no one helped her. After some thought she realized that it was a type of electrical generation and storage organ, a lot like the sort of thing found in an electric eel or something of that nature. Adventure (We don't stay in BB the whole fic), This refused to leave my fkn head after I saw someone else make a crossover with this, Scaling Overpowered Protag (eventuallyTM), Fuck Grimdark we Nobledark like men around here, The PRT is not completely fucking useless. A story? he inquired. Anywhere. He paused, then looked up from the microscope, his brow furrowed, and met her virtual eyes. An obscenely high level one. So we either have some parahuman arsonist who just happened to torch a school which coincidentally happened to have a fifteen year old girl trapped in a locker full of biological waste in it, or whoever actually did the trapping then set the fire to cover their tracks. She recognized codings that seemed to come from various sources, such as mollusks, fish, mammals, even plants. No matter how much Crystal likes her hunky friend, there's no way she should be telling him this. Its more than just that. The tone of her voice made him stare. Anyway, this brilliant individual pulls the pin, aims, and throws. No doubt readers could pick out points of similarity if they cared to. Landing gently, Amy felt her feet touch the ground and the woman release her. A long time ago. You have family here still? He noticed she went completely motionless, inhumanly so, for a second. All I can do is move on. Assault shivered for a moment. But you see the problem. I wouldnt go that far, but Im certainly not a normal parahuman, no. She seemed to find the idea funny. Amy nodded. Dawn of Worm Taylor is a Primarch from an AU version of Warhammer 40k, complete. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! (Tags will be added as the story progresses, and probably at commentor recomendation). Youre certain it was her? she asked quietly. But Taylor's voice isn't the only thing that changes about Taylor. This body is a construct I designed for human interaction. Something horrible that leaked out of a dumpster, she said, shrugging a bit then resuming scrubbing. Mosquitoes are a major food source for a lot of insectivores, which in turn are eaten by other things. Neither one of them would want me to do it. His voice trembled with emotion but rang with surety. Or at least, nearly prevent it from happening. That idiot gang member took his stupid little Tinker-tech incendiary and tried to murder half a dozen equally idiotic E88 members who were doing some sort of drug deal around the back of the school. Armsmaster nodded once more, more slowly. Should have floored it, Barlett muttered, taking a sip of his coffee. Subjectively it took years to come up with the right design. Im not a Tinker, at all, but I can fake it with the best of them. She tapped the side of her head, her claws making a faint click. Together with a former serial killer doctor and a heroic organization whose morality is held together by duct tape they will need to find a way to save the world. Fuck, its a trap, she yelled. Fast acting. Right through a window, nowhere near the E88 guys, who notice him, chase him, and in the end, kill him. Unfortunately the firebomb was a pretty effective one, it torched the school more or less immediately. She fell silent for a moment. Good god, he mumbled, shocked. She is imbued with a multitude of powers, with which she is to complete a single mission: bring ruin in the Horned Rat's name, or face his wrath. But her friend did her best to cheer her up and keep her interested in life. Three gangs and a government walk into a city.They each try to rule, and get forced into a stalemate.Everyone knows whats going on, but everyone pretends theyre winning. Your wild guesses tend to be scary good. Theogony by Darth Marrs on Fanficion.net is pretty much this Y'know, I think we have a vocabulary problem. Took quite a long time and Im not finished yet but its coming along well. Shaking her head as he stared, she added in an amused tone, I had to invent a whole new kind of mathematics to describe my models. Other than that, Ive got a lot to think about. She looked over her shoulder at him for a second. Assault is right. He stirred, asking, But how did you? Escape? He heard a resigned chuckle. Because of the way they worked, it wasn't directly possible, but her powers found a way even so. Her powers affected her a lot in subtle ways but I think she was probably right on the edge in the first place. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Who the hell is Hive? she exploded. She was murdered, technically by a seventeen-year-old Korean ganger, but he was helped by three fifteen year old girls with no ethical sense. Elephants have nearly three times as many, but humans are right near the top of the list from that point of view. Although Taylor sandbags harder than all of The Endbringers combined, occasionally, she does show her true power. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Taylor Hebert triggers inside her locker. This is pretty fun and lighthearted so far. He looked around, then leaned against another similar unit. A parahuman with global reach? he eventually said. Ive found something a bit weird and I wanted to run it past you before I told anyone else, Dragon said from the monitor, the camera mounted on top whining very faintly as it repositioned itself under her control to look at what he was doing. They looked at him, making him shrug. I've had a really long time to think about things.. Which is probably a good thing from your point of view. By the time the meeting ended some while later, Sophia was a nervous wreck. The beginnings of a story I started around mid-2015 in the Worm setting, but semi-abandoned when I started Taylor Varga. 'Tall, maybe six feet, and slender. She hoped. Standing, he looked around, then back to her. Squealer is going to have to live with having lice for the rest of her life, she said in a tone that made him step back. A few seconds passed in silence, until she heard footsteps crossing the floor of the loft. Come on out. One of his friends tapped his bat on the ground with a metallic ringing sound, grinning. Not human. Btw, it doesn't have to be specifically about Taylor, but any character. She realized what was happening as she started to cook. He stared at her, the matter of fact voice belying the horror of what it was saying. Silent is the fastest updating Worm Fanfic currently known. But, unfortunately, no matter what she or any of the rest of the Protectorate think, there isnt a lot they can actually do to or about me, Im afraid. At his puzzled look, she elaborated. It more than makes up for the greater simplicity. He stayed silent, staring wide-eyed in horror at the implications. I'll admit you look unusual, but I've seen worse. Thanks, she laughed. After a moment, he added slowly, When did it start? A week before the insects stopped spreading disease, Dragon replied quietly. Has a rewrite too which is also pretty good but incomplete, a significant enough difference in the story that reading both is recommended. OK, I'll tell you the rest. Call me Hive, she said, her carapace back splitting open to reveal four enormous transparent wings which unfolded with a crinkling sound. We have too much to lose right now. The sole survivor of the Hebert family sat in his chair for another ten minutes, before he quietly got up, retrieved the pistol, carefully unloaded it and locked it in his desk, then went downstairs and out the door of the Dockworkers Association building, locking it behind him. A series of thuds told her that her teammates had met the same fate. For a moment, leathery wings materialised behind her and with a single beat she launcher herself across the dark waters. Oh god I am so excited this is getting it's own thread. I can hear it, she added, which didn't actually help. After her Trigger Taylor decides to confront Hess about her bullying, somewhere the teachers can't take Hess'side. She keeps her head down and takes people's sh!t. Whoever it was seemed to be leaning on an air conditioning unit fairly casually, looking out at the slowly rising sun over the Bay. Deciding that tomorrow he would begin sorting through his daughters belongings, he headed for his car which was parked on the other side of the road. Neither did the utterly inhuman face that looked curiously down at her a few seconds later. Shut up both of you, will you? she gritted, as Rachel came in at the rear of the group with all three dogs at her heels. If it wasn't for the fact that she's useful she'd be locked up right now. Overpowered much? Even through the pain and disorientation she knew what was going to happen, she knew she was going to die, and she didn't want to! Same again. Why were you she began. Basically I'm looking for all the fics where Taylor has an OP power or powers that put her on par or above Endbringers even Zion. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). It was definitely Taylor Hebert, Im afraid. Poor kid, the Director of the ENE PRT muttered. There will be variation in how champions/runes/abilities interact with Taylor.). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I don't know, like she's been around for a long time. They couldnt do much more than try to stop the remainder of the school going up and the fire spreading to other buildings. Taylor Hebert A (not so) completed Worm fanfic by Yklia written on the Spacebattles forums. Oh, shit, she whimpered, looking around frantically for somewhere to hide. There were some good things that came out of it, but The upper pair of arms moved in a shrug of sorts. I was admiring the design. Now, since theyre all locked, that means you must be She could hear approaching footsteps. The only negative is that this is a one shot, and although long and good, it still leaves you with an empty feeling in your soul when you finish and want more. What do you think?, Lisa smiled, as the light from the crystals reached dazzling heights. Your use to the Wards may come to an abrupt end no matter what the Chief Director wants. There was a pregnant silence from everyone for a short time as Sophia shrank back into her chair, her mind whirling. Lifting a hand she waved it dismissively. 10 is probably a minimum. Sophia stared at him, then looked around at the others. Unknown attacker. The real trick is making it work from all angles. The insect control is also a definite Shaker rating, at least 2 or higher, since as she said she could make every insect in an area attack someone. Cool, isnt it? Staring carefully he could just about make out a faint distortion against the background, the effect a little like the one in the Predator movies, which was an unsettling idea. Wasp stings hurt, sure, I remember that from before I got my powers, but unless there were a lot of them or the muggers were allergic I can't see how that would help much. These were special wasps, Amy giggled. She was as uncooperative as usual, but in the end I managed to get her to admit to knowing the victim. I don't know why, perhaps it was just a convenient place. What we do have is totally terrifying. She waved a hand at the monitor. Groaning in terror she looked around again, seeing nothing else that could help her. Keep the canon discussion to the appropriate thread. Like I said, in my opinion shes a better person than you are. On. "I never try to do anything, I swear i never try to hurt anyone,I swear, I swear that i'm a good kid, Yeah, Taylor that's a good one. If we have to look for you were going to be annoyed and we might be a little rough as a result. Took a while to think it through but Im pleased with the result. She sounded justifiably smug. Not quite a psychopath, but amoral at best. But it was a little more involved really. Still, a six foot tall bug? Her sister was watching her with her head cocked to the side, a very strange expression on her face. With a very warped view of interpersonal relations, as well. We've noticed, he told her. Wildworm A psuedo-tinker from Wildstorm appears in Brockton. Because the monsters that remain will make her wish she were alone. Do you have one? No. Sorry. The real question is: will there be someone left to call Taylor Hebert? Sophia was directly responsible, along with Emma Barnes and Madison Clements, for Taylor Triggering. Im not the second coming of Nilbog, or anything like that, although I expect a lot of people will come to that conclusion. Resuming running, she hurtled down the alleyway as fast as she could go, gasping when she stumbled and skinned her knee through her jeans. I dont like the implications. No. Piggot sighed in turn. The man was still conscious, she could see his eyes moving frantically, but he somehow seemed to have completely lost control of his body and voice. Taylor was gone for five years, lost in a fantasy world where she had to fight the gods themselves to survive. I only got back today, you see, she added, and I thought I'd come here first. But dont immediately think the worst. Her avatar smiled slightly. I'm going to plug Tonight, She Comes which is my crossover with the movie Hancock. I share some memories with her from a long time ago, but I'm not really her. Based on my own research if anything she was underplaying it. With four arms?' Hear what? another one asked irritably, poking a pile of cardboard boxes with the end of his bat. Combined with effective invisibility it could be higher. Amy paused, then nodded. Taylor wakes to find a world abandoned. Why? He couldn't think of a good answer for a moment. Are you sure? he asked faintly. You're doing well although your heartbeat is fast enough to make me suspect you're not as calm as you look. He stared again. Are you going to go after Sophia? he added after some thought, tensing a little just to be on the safe side. The readings were inconclusive and could arguably be caused by shock over the entire incident rather than deliberate lying. He shrugged slightly once more. Everyone forgets that while might doesnt make right, it can make you a throne.Three gangs and a government appoint themselves noble. Only those dumpsters left, the machete-wielding assailant announced. Paper and Sand is Endbringer!Peggy Sue!Taylor. Find Shadow Stalker and have her see me, she said. What the hell is that? he muttered to himself. I mean, look at this, its based on mollusk chromatophores, bioluminescence, and retinal light sensing cells. Putting the matter to one side she listened while trying not to draw any more attention to herself. Why muggers? But Id like to talk to you sometime, if thats OK. Curious, Amy nodded. She had been having a strange dream, one where she crying out for help to anyone who would listen, begging the cosmos to deliver her from the torment of her life. Amy met the blonde's eyes with her own in the mirror and held up a hand, showing the unpleasantly adherent goo. Now Taylor seeks to discover where her mother has gone, and for that, she needs to gather allies, hone her skill with her inherited magics, and uncover secrets her mother kept even from her daughter. Suddenly, the girl who she'd grown up with was practically her worst enemy. Annette Hebert was a mystery. Queen of Blood is a crossover with Castlevania where Taylor becomes the new Goddess of Darkness. In them, in the nineteen thousand, eight hundred and twenty seven cockroaches within one hundred feet of here, in the housefly sitting on Armsmaster's second monitor from the left in his lab, in the spiders in the attic of the Sydney Opera house, in the crabs at the bottom of the English Channel All of them. They stood there for another minute or so. OK, we understand you find it fascinating. Nice try. Armsmaster frowned a little. One side effect of my personal singularity is that my mind runs a lot faster than a normal human one does. Amy gasped as her savior banked around another building, heading upwards. Shes not my problem any more. Do I look human? she asked rhetorically, waving one of her hands at herself, one that wasn't resting on the air conditioner. he was talking to seemed to have a sense of humor that resonated with his own. Hive isnt just a name, its a description, the insect woman commented as she stared. Diebuster cross. How did that help? Personally Id put it as high as it goes. Dragon added this as well. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (72), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (4), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (4), Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl | Antares (34), Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale (19), Amy Dallon | Panacea | Red Queen & Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (11), Emma Barnes/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (7), Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver & Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale (7), Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (7), Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Sophia Hess | Shadow Stalker (7), Dragon/Colin Wallis | Armsmaster | Defiant (6), Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Rachel Lindt | Bitch | Hellhound (5), Madison Clements/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (5), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (39), Tinker Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver (27), totally stole Karrin Murphy from Dresden files, I shamelessly steal characters from other fandoms though, Danny Hebert & Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver, Amy Dallon | Panacea | Red Queen & Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl | Antares, Dragon/Colin Wallis | Armsmaster | Defiant, Fuck the Empire 88 and fuck the Nazis they rode in on, Miss Militia decides to adopt an overpowered cannibal child, can be a bit creepy and weird as fuck sometimes, HANNAH WILL BE THE BEST GODDAMN MOTHER AND DAMN ANYONE WHO TRIES TO STOP HER, No Scion No Endbringers fuck the Grimdark this is a comfort fic, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Greg Veder, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Sophia Hess | Shadow Stalker, Original Female Character/Original Female Character/Original Female Character, The sheer audacity and lack of anything resemling shame, Those who live to run away live to make a complete nuisance of themselves another day, Having other people pay for your mistakes is one way to solve all of your problems, Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl/Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver, Also called: my excuse to make Taylor kiss girls, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Rachel Lindt | Bitch | Hellhound, Taylor Hebert has no time for your bullshit, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types. And who the hell is Hive? Now smiling a little, feeling weirdly pleased with the way she'd shaken her normally pretty unflappable sister, Amy went back yet again to cleaning her hands, digging around under the sink for something more effective than soap and water. I have to admit I dont like to believe she could deliberately burn someone alive, but I also have to admit I can see her locking someone she didnt like into a confined space. One day, her mother didn't come home. Lack of emotional cues, certain trace pheromones, things like that. She looked at him with her head on one side. And also one of the luckiest. Tada! It was very complicated to come up with and like I said a while ago, it was only today that I finally worked out all the bugs. I do. Actually, it was the first chronologically, I started . It is a nice day, yes, he replied after a little while. Thank god, it was dark. After a moment he slowly turned his head to look at the moth that had been flying circles around the light over one of the desks for the last half hour. When she was sure that Sophia was doing as she was told, the older woman looked back at Dragon, scanned the faces of the others, then asked, In your estimation what should we rate Hive as? Wondering who Hive was, Sophia listened carefully. Director Piggot looked at the photos in the opened folder and winced despite herself. Looked over her shoulder at him with her from a long time ago, in! Still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform of cake to manipulate expression on face. I 'll admit you look unusual, but she hadnt quite realized how large they were the eyes were work. Are less obvious but I 'm not really her account to follow your favorite and... Subtle ways but I can hear it, but most of them simply build intuitively and could arguably caused! 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worm fanfiction godlike taylor