let's abolish the electoral college answer key

let's abolish the electoral college answer key

let's abolish the electoral college answer key

let's abolish the electoral college answer key

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should-the-electoral-college-be-abolished-mini-q-answer-key 3/31 Downloaded from whitelabel.nightwatch.io on February 6, 2023 by guest presidential dynasties to congressional dysfunction, Bill Clinton's impeachment to Obamacare. [3], There have been movements to enact state laws requiring Electors to vote for the winner of the popular election. Newsela Answer Key: PRO/CON: Should we abolish the Electoral College? The proposal was drawn by James Madison, and it drew on ideas first proposed by James Wilson, the chief proponent of a directly elected chief executive. Legitimacy for any elected official is an important factor for governance of a State. Clarence Thomas was appointed by the Bush brothers father, President George H.W. The Electoral College system benefits smaller states and . 1145 Words | 5 Pages. The Electoral College is made up of Electors who represent the states in a presidential election. On the other side of the debate are those who would keep the Electoral college in place. TheDigitalArtist / Pixabay. If it didnt exist, no one today would consider creating it. jo.type = 'text/javascript'; These issues still affect out modern day political sphere. More amendments have been proposed on this subject than on any other in US history. Maine and Nebraska use an alternative method, the district system, which awards two electors to the popular vote winners statewide, and one to the popular vote winners in each congressional district. Albert Einstein. Ultimately, Levinson said, under the Electoral College system, "it isn't voters who decide elections. Mya Sims Ms. [5] Sabato, L. J. For starters, direct elections by voters can create incentives for broad public participation. While a majority of Republicans (56%) continue to say the current Electoral College system should be maintained, the share who now express support for moving to a popular vote system is the highest it's been since the 2016 election: 42% say this today, up from 37% in 2021 and just 27% in the immediate wake of the 2016 election. It just so happened that Bushs brother, Jeb, also a Republican, was the governor of Florida, and another Republican, Katherine Harris, was Floridas Secretary of State, and would supervise the count and recounts. Gomez states that the National Popular Compact would not work because that the United States is a Democratic Republic not a pure Democracy. When candidates only visit a few states and even a few regions in those few states, you really see a warping of policy priorities. The Electoral College is essential if we are to preserve our American ideals and the Constitutional form of government that has served us so well for so long. Safe states are known to always vote for the same party, while swing states are always changing. Illing: But the dynamics have changed, right? })(); ValueWalk.com is a highly regarded, non-partisan site the website provides unique coverage on hedge funds, large asset managers, and value investing. For example, they created the Electoral College because news traveled slowly, so people werent as informed about the candidates. States, battleground or not, would disappear from the electoral calculus. 36, an amendment that would abolish the Electoral College and require a majority popular vote, but that bill also had no actions and attracted no cosponsors. Small states kept the same number of electors as their representatives in the national legislature. There is no need to worry about the excesses of majority rule. They did not trust that voters would have enough information to make a good choice. All of our essays are donated in exchange for a free plagiarism scan on one of our partner sites. Christian Gomez explores the reason why some people are ready to dissolve the Electoral College and replace it with a National Popular Vote Compact. Disputed results from the 2020 presidential . Four were appointed by Democratic presidents. House Republican eyeing legislation to prevent Santos from profiting off 10 key figures who will and wont be at CPAC, Hemorrhaging losses, the Feds problems are now the taxpayers, The shepherd boy, the wolf and the threat to Israeli democracy, Feehery: Progressive DC government turning city into a dystopia, These beaches are the best of the best in US, according to Tripadvisor, Top takeaways from student loan forgiveness arguments at the Supreme Court. - Albert Einstein. Ask an Expert. They devised a method to elect a president that would ensure that the person elected would not gain too much power and independence. Together with our house of representatives in the lower chamber it rules across the land as a bicameral legislature. Calls for reforming the College grow louder every time it produces as the winner a presidential candidate who lost the popular vote. The Electoral College is, essentially, a vestigial structure a leftover from a bygone era in which the founders specifically did not want a nationwide vote of the American people to choose . But these periodic crises could never have happened if we had elected our presidents by counting just the popular vote. Faithless Electors, those who break their pledge, are rare and have never determined the outcome of a presidential election. Abolishing the electoral college is not only the wrong choice to make it will also have disadvantageous consequences for the USA. The recently-passed Electoral Count Act overhauls the process for objecting to electoral votes. Many were anxious even for an immediate choice by the people.[13], The plan was met with a great sense of relief and passed 8 to 3. Campaigns would focus on large, voter-rich metropolitan areas and media markets, and on appeals to national demographic and occupational groups. method is known as the Electoral College. Certainly not many of the Republicans I know and respect who have not become Democrats but cannot stand their party under Trump. Available from: [Accessed 01-03-23]. Who is the Real Architect of India's Constitution, Nehru or Ambedkar? But Trump considers himself the winner this year. Opponents of the College admit that yes, at one point in time, the Electoral College was a necessary component in electing the President of the Union. However, nowadays registered voters can get their news instantly, thus are informed about the candidates. The Electoral College is a favorite punching bag for those who think America should be a more majoritarian country. Let's abolish the Electoral College Created to protect the slave states, it is championed now by conservatives who fear the power of America's true majority. Steve Slavin - Nov 23, 2020, 2:52 pm. The Electoral College Is Racist [By Laura Thompson; March-April Issue 2021][9]. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". With Trump`s win, the debate of whether to keep or abolish the Electoral College has heated up and intensified. It's time to ditch the antiquated way we choose presidents. In this All states and the District of Columbia get one electoral vote for each of their US senators and representatives. D - It is Unfair In document F it says that if there is a tie in the Electoral college it is up to the House of Representatives to decide who is president. One reason the Electoral College should be abolished is that one of the candidates could win the popular vote and still end up losing the election. There is no doubt that there are many things wrong with the electoral college. var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9999 - 0 + 1) + 0); Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a121f466c6bfdb9 Many rural communities feared that if the vote was counted through a popular vote system that they would equal representation as urban communities would have. Wilson said it was a valuable improvement. It gets rid of one great evil, that of cabal and corruption; and Continental characters will multiply as we more and more coalesce, so as to enable the electors in every part of the Union to know and judge of them. Mason noted that the College removed some capital objections, particularly the danger of cabal and corruption., Political scientists generally support keeping the Electoral College. The people of the United States of America should be voting for the president directly. This has happened five times: John Quincy Adams in 1824, Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, Benjamin Harrison in 1888, George W. Bush in 2000, and Donald J. Trump in 2016. jo.id = 'FJVoiceFeed'; Tyler Lewis says that one of the problems with the Electoral College is "The distribution of Electoral College votes per state is not equally dispersed.". (4 points) The federal government is responsible for raising taxes on businesses to, 14. Wegman: Its a great question, and I think it really gets to the heart of what the problem is here. Brennan sees hung jury among intelligence community on COVID origins, Watch live: House panel holds hearing on the fentanyl crisis, Are we headed toward a dystopian online world? It's completely rigged. In fact, if given the choice of either accepting his loss or preserving our democracy, which outcome would Trump choose? But I do wonder if he and other defenders of the Electoral College still believe that any of these arguments are worth holding onto. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. They argue that since it does not directly take into account the vote of each and every person that voted in the election, that it cannot represent the will of the people in the purest sense (Bollinger 2007; Gomez 2017; Williams 2012). But the Electoral College is worse than merely useless. The Electoral College was and continues to be an undemocratic system that stands as an obstacle for the United States to become a real democracy. Presidential System Could be More Suitable for India, Why Ambedkar Didnt Like Indias Constitution. Abraham Lincoln, for example, was elected in a four-way race, receiving only 40% of the popular vote but 180 of the required 303 Electoral College votes. The Constitution doesnt bar Electors from choosing candidates other than the ones they pledged to support. It frequently bestows a broad-based majority mandate on a candidate who has won only a plurality of the national popular vote, which is particularly important in messy elections with three or more candidates. including in the 2000 and 2016 elections. Since the beginning of the millennium we have had five presidential elections. Everyones vote counts as much as everyone elses. However, despite its faults, as a system is has a foundation conducive to reform rather than abolition. But Madison used an already accepted formula of state representation. That is why it was written in the Constitution. If Democrats think they have a shot at turning out voters in rural states, they will tailor their policy agenda to appeal to such voters. Abolishing it would make it easier for candidates to form new parties and thus fragment our society. Steve Slavin has a Ph.D. in economics from NYU, and has written twenty math and economics books, including The Great American Economy: How Inefficiency Broke It, and What We Can Do to Fix it. The 12th edition of his introductory economics text came out in September. I have argued for decades that we need to get rid of the Electoral College. Parliamentary Vs. Presidential Government in Pakistan, The 'Real' British Constitution by Walter Bagehot, Parliamentary Flaws and How Presidential System Avoids Them, Presidential System Will Provide India a More Robust Democracy. But does anyone still believe it is a great idea for our politics? Josh Chafetz wrote, Its hard to imagine a political institution less suited to a 21st-century liberal democracy than the Electoral College. Since the 18th century, the United States has used the Electoral College, made up of 538 individual electors, to elect its presidents instead of going by the popular vote. The two-party system, which took form as soon as Washington left the stage, is an artifact of the Electoral College and the states winner-take-all rules. This page of the essay has 1,601 words. The political party who's slate gets the most votes then controls all of the state's Electoral College votes. When selecting the President, we use the Electoral college as a basis for representing the will of the people. In conclusion, the opposing view of the system insists the Electoral College is unfair and that every vote should count. If you use part of this page in your own work, you need to provide a citation, as follows: Essay Sauce, Should we abolish the Electoral College?. Although he has virtually no chance of succeeding, he could not care less that he was subverting our democratic form of government. Why The Electoral College Should Be Abolished. The Electoral College aims for presidents who represent the nations great diversity, by obliging them to earn votes across many states and regions. The brightest students know that the best way to learn is by example! Illing: A central focus of your book is this idea that ending the Electoral College would change the way candidates campaign and therefore the sorts of issues they prioritize. Now, Republicans will have a 222-213 majority once Rep.-elect Jennifer McClellan (D, VA-4) is sworn into the House following her special election win last week. That is a laborious process and a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College would require significant consensusat least two-thirds affirmation from both the House and Senate,. Democrat Hillary Clinton got over 2 million 800 thousand more votes than Republican Donald T Thats true democracy. We all know the answer. This petition starter stood up and took action. Two electoral votes would be awarded to the candidate winning the overall popular vote in each of the then . The electoral college is a group of people chosen by every state who officially elects the president and vice president of the united states. But Trump considers himself the winner this year. The proportional plan which does not account for geographical voting patterns, but allocates electors on a purely statewide basis. (Neale 5 CRS) was voted on in Colorado in 2004 and did not pass. Amendment resolutions have tended to come in waves. Seems fair, well its not. Let's abolish the senate Stefano Boscutti Jun 10, 2022 Our US senate is the upper chamber of our congress. It is these officials who choose the President and Vice President of the United States. The College is also a brilliant alternative to runoff elections. Presidential candidates wouldnt need to immerse themselves in local issues. A majority of Americans believe the Electoral College should be eliminated. It removes a potential for disaster in presidential elections. But in 2020, when many hallowed American institutions submitted to street demonstrations and violence, the Electoral College proved a steadfast guardian of democracy. Wegman: This idea that somehow small states currently have a voice under the Electoral College system, and that they would lose that voice under a popular vote, is just the exact inverse of reality. DBQ packet, 1(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (04.06 MC) How can the Department of Education best advocate for an increase to its share of the federal budget? Get Our Activist Investing Case Study! Its 538 electors reflect Congress's 100 senators and 435 representatives, apportioned to each state according to the national census conducted every 10 years, electors for the District of Columbia. Much like the rest of the Constitution, the Electoral College was a compromise. jo.src = 'https://www.financialjuice.com/widgets/voice-player.js?mode=inline&display=1&container=FJ-voice-news-player&info=valuewalk&r=' + r; They accept that the Electoral College system mays have its faults, but it is the best system to fairly represent the diverse and vast sections of the United States and the people who reside in both city and rural areas (Miller 2012; Miller 2011). Thanks to Donald Trump, what was once the relic of our system is now an active threat to the future of our democracy. Also, the Electoral College was built to support every states needs, but it doesnt end up fulfilling that purpose because presidential candidates tend to focus more on swing states during their campaign. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Even back then they knew that the popular . By one analysis of the 2012 presidential election, four out of five voters had virtually zero influence on the outcome. Now, four years later, after an election that was not nearly that close, Trump still is refusing to concede. The National Popular Vote Compact is used in many states including New Jersey, Washington, and Massachusetts. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Shortly after, former Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. introduced his H.J.Res. President Donald Trump won the election in 2016 through the. A More Perfect Constitution: 23 Proposals to Revitalize Our Constitution and Make America a Fairer Country. And representatives fact, if given the choice of either accepting his loss or preserving our democracy, which would! Dissolve the Electoral College issues still affect out modern day political sphere students that. Four years later, after an election that was not nearly that close, Trump is... 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let's abolish the electoral college answer key