i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

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Try daycare. My dog, for being aggressive. Im ready to move out into my own apartment and my boyfriend is choosing to stay with his parents and the animals ugh. Now it's almost a year later and I get up hours earlier than I have to to take the dog on a walk and do some training. I get angry because I expect all the attention to be in me. I find myself dreading her coming home because I have to deal with them constantly meowing and demanding her attention, which she gladly gives them. So, he suddenly loves her? Most recurring mouth sores are herpes virus related. They are both 6 months old now, one of them has broken his leg under his watch because he thinks these types of dogs can be left unattended to frolic and have fun with out suppervision, making matters worse, i have kennel trained them both so when I cant supervise them, they are safe- he takes them out of the kennel and lets them loose out in our yard, our dog with the broken leg has now chewed of his cast and his blow off responce was well he would have chewed it off anyway No sir. sometimes dogs are more prone to certain behaviors or traits dependent on their breed. He was darn right nasty to her most times. But not go above the line. He wouldnt give me ANY attention. Wouldnt you have seen it if you stayed for the weekend at his place? Hes well trained but has been acting out whenever my husband is involved. Absolutely not. BK you guys have the absolute correct vision of how things should be with a pet. I constantly hear the doggo team say, If he/she knew you had a dog coming in then they are selfish for wanting you to change and give up the dog. That statement alone is infuriating in so many ways. A set of steps were placed on the left side of his bed. I already have a 11month old shepard mix male. We are going round in circles and Im stuck in a situation where I love my partner to bits but cant stand his dog and feel its not fair to get rid of her and keep the puggle which might end up in resentment from my partner. I tried to explain the logics behind this big problem but Im just told he cant refuse or say no because it was a gift. Im just sick and tired of this dog being higher on the totem pole than me and our kids. The last big fight we had that almost ended our marriage was me telling her she didnt have to take the dog with her everywhere, and needed to get the dog used to being at home by herself so whenever we are both working outside of the home, the dog is not going through separation anxiety. I know this is going to be a daily struggle between us if they would live with us. After I had my baby he prefers to stay by the dog and not usthe dogs doesnt sleep in the bed anymore but she sleeps in our room. He sees the dogs as his babies and cant do any wrong! She freaked and bit me. If someone truly loves you they will work with you to solve the problem so all 3 of you can live in peace. I tried calling no answer, so text her why is your dog here? Did you to ever think that your partners ha no idea how inappropriate you were being as dog owners before they actually moved in and lived it everyday? I dont get to sleep with my boyfriend and I rarely get to cuddle him or get any love or attention from him because all he ever does is cuddle or hug or kisses the dog. My boyfriend has 2 dogs. If I went next door and saw another woman and she gave me a good meal, I wouldnt suddenly be in love with her and tell my girlfriend its over. So looks like theres lots of people in my position,. Suppose the girl owns a dog, and that canine tends to interrupt the relationship as a result of feeling jealousy or any other psychological issue. My Shi-poo was only about 1.5 yrs old. The fact that this dog is so unmannerly and disobedient bothers the shit out of me!!! We still get married but live apart i ask?..his response was yeah i guess so but that really sux! We cant agree on where the dog can sleep, how much the dog can stay inside or even how much food to give the dog. Really blows my mind. She would rather share the bed with her dog than me Crazy eh? So then we bought a tether type thing to chain her up. He is a dog owner himself, but has always adopted older animals, so he has never dealt with the puppy stage. Im very allergic to any animal dander (asthma, sneezing, the works) but weve found short term solutions. Wow. She has told me and her parents that she feels the same way. At the beginning, I was cool with the idea of the dog, he is placid, relaxed but at times, can be annoying (begs at you all the time), will jump on the bed and lounge when Im not there ect. (and the current caretakers dont want to keep them, they are also tired with all the pee and poop and hairs, so thats not an option). He used to sleep with both the dog and cat in bed before we lived together. I am fighting a losing battle. Understood. My mother in law had 2 dogs & before she died asked my husband to take care of the dogs. :( any advice? He has boundaries and is well excerised. But of course Im evil when I call her out on this stuff. Or who knows, you may both find the break refreshing and a great opportunity to experience a human love relationship more fully, even to the point of extending the dogs vacation. The rats have their own room and are no problem at all very friendly and easy to care for they are my boyfriend and Is pets we currently live with his parents one of the cats is his she is an indoor and outdoor cat, shes very friendly and well behaved also good with children. She sadly ended up passing and left behind a small dog. Not cool. But also, I dont want to resent the dog because of his actions because that isnt fair to her. Educate yourself about puppy blues: For that, we have an extensive guide written by a veterinarian Dr. Pavithra and here is the article: How long do puppy blues last and how to overcome? Help. I like dogs and understand why other do as well. You need to talk to your husband about this and stop caving on things because thats not going to make a healthy household. Gross I know. When we first met i had just adopted a puppy from a shelter. All I want and preach to other people is compromise and Im still somewhere trying to find that. On several occasions my wife has developed a sore on her lip that often takes a week or longer to heal. Never got bad until we moved into a new place together. She has her own bed. I was running to emergency vets every 2 weeks. To do otherwise either shows that your thinking isnt healthy, that your relationship isnt healthy. and please, dont try to say my dog doesnt smell or have fleas etc. He was sweet enough to my dog and would even go as far as go search for him if he went missing. Talking, begging, thumping tails, jumping around in excitement). I love to have nice clean things and now, I find myself spending most of my days in the rooms where animals arent allowed. And thats the rub. Dogs are animals they should not be sleeping In human beds. They are not trained, they dont listen, they poop and pee in the house every day! He jokes about what I would do if i came home one day and Nimbus (my dog) was gone. The man obviously has a very dysfunctional relationship with his dog. The huge red flag: a couple of weeks into our relationship my partner said he had to tell me a secret and that he hoped I would understand. He doesnt want to be a responsible dog owner and groom her properly and he doesnt want to discipline her out of guilt. He has to sleep in the bed too, and even though he isnt a big dog, hes clingy and hogs the bed. I love him and we have been together for almost three years and counting. I absolutely freaked out. But I do not require the companionship my finance seems to really seek in her life from an animal, her family had inside dogs growing up. I believe shes jealous but he doesnt seem to see it. I can tell she isnt happy with the dog there, with the way life is. I would think about if I wanted someone who clearly resents your pet so much in your life. It literally drives me to resentment. Your allergies seem much more extreme but I have minor allergies to my boyfriends dog and it makes my nose itch its so frustrating. I need at least one room for me that I wont have to worry about the fur. I am actually relieved I left and that was only a few months ago. As time goes on I thought I may get used to it as I force myself to accept things. I say that its a cop-out, and those people are deceived into believing that an animal can give them the love that they are searching for, the love that can really only be provided by another human. Its just sick sick sick!!! He says I cant understand how he feels because I dont like dogs. Well 3 months ago a rescue needed a home and she looked just like my old dog..I couldnt help it. (As He has already said his dog will come first always) He already thinks I despise his dog which I dont he jsut doesnt understand I dont know how to deal with the constant need and attention I love this man and never want to lose him over a dog but how should I go about dealing with this? We were the owners, the dogs did what we wanted no ifs ands or buts about it. IMO dogs are pack animals and do better in family situations anyway, so being forced into a solitary situation with one single person creates a LOT of anxiety and behavior problems (aka, like your girlfriends dog). Its quite manipulative on the part of the dog to arise as the alpha in the house unbeknown to its owner. Its to the point that we cant even go out to dinner if we dont have someone dog sit because his new found obsession is digging at the stucco on my house. He loves kids like I love animals. Im going through the exact same thing.., we are on the verge of calling it quits due to the fighting his dog has brought on our relationship and the resentment Ive built towards him. So I need some advice. Does that lazzyness (sp) apply to other issues as well such as keeping the house clean? My partner and I are always arguing over my dog. Here are why your dog might poop inside the house. 2. Thank you. He had a cloth sofa which was in the basement. I grew up with fairly big dogs, including a German Shepherd and a Samoyed. When they aggressively beg and whine for food and its talking. We once hired a dog-sitter who said shed never sit for them again because their list of needs is so extensive. Its always been my choice to let that happen, as I was single at the time of getting him. Im in the process of looking for a house and moving out now as she insists the dog is my responsibility as well and I HAVE to care for it. There are times when I feel like choking that dog due to the amount of aggravation from him not being obedient and being spoiled !!! Please tell me if I am being the difficult one. So that's cleaning up after it, walking it, doing the training, and most importantly making sure the dog doesn't destroy my garden that I've spent thousands of dollars on. He knows his dog drives me crazy and I think tries to make things better but its got to be because he loves me. She just knows my girlfriend will spaz on her too if she admits it. I left my marriage over the dog being his first thought, his first everything along with being stepped on with his snide comments and put downs. I was a woman, just remarried, deeply hurt by my husband whom treated his female Labrador with more value, more affection, more it seemed, everything than he did his new bride. Howdy It is one of the excellent ways to keep your dog mentally stimulated throughout the day, making a well-behaved dog. Only a month would be sufficient. We moved into a house at the beginning of last year and he brought his old dog with him. Now that everything is settled I noticed he was loving the dog more as well. He is a loser you will find someone better. But Ive been in love with him for years and was all ready to marry him by the time I found out his dislike of dogs. Im sad to say that things have only gotten worse. For starters, chewing is something that pretty much all puppies do. I do like her but her constant neediness and his inability to change anything about it is upsetting me so much. Only commitment and effort (and prayer if youre a believer) will really work. I am torn with the relationship , I love the man but I dont what to do ? Its been almost a year now and she still continues to try and make me care for this dog. To be honest with you, if we trace back to the root of this behavior, the blame might be on you. (Saliva most likely). It just makes me sick. The dog acts out, becomes even more needy, which only breeds guilt in their owner, so they turn their focus away from their relationship to focus solely on the dog again and boom, the issues start! For four years now he has left me to be in charge of their care knowing full well that I was never a dog person. Its hard. Cat/dog hair comes with having cats/dogs. His dog lived there when we met. She said, He loves (emphasis) his dog! Love is like a bank account, you make deposits and withdrawals. Ya, a poor greedy baby that could not stay out of cat food. I didnt realize you responded so quick. It makes me sick when I read all you haters comments. Hes taking his threats a bit rough, like taking the whole fingers in the mouth but I think hes gonna learn to take it gentle with some training. I have a pintrest board dedicated to shih tzus and golden doodles. ive been forced to sleep in the spare room a lot of nights because she moves about constantly and snores and keeps me up the whole night. Petsitting misbehaving dogs who may miss their humans is not the wisest plan of action either. First of all, its NOT cool that your bf yells at his dog and doesnt treat her well. Pancho did this, Pancho did that, its non stop. No dog should be crated all day. The mistake that people make is treating animals like a child. Reading some of these posts has been an eyeopener. Me and my fiance both have dogs when we met he already had a 3 year old french mastiff and an american eskimo i have 2 beagles, we have been together for 2 yrs and 4 months now and our dogs have never met eachother and he proposed and i said yes as we do have a great relationship, but 1yr ago he asked if i wanted to get a baby girl mastiff with him to try and bread the other and i said yes, so now their is 3 dogs at his house and heres the thingwhen i bring it up that my 2 dogs are comming with me if i move in and ask what if they dont get along then what? Obedience training is expensive and she doesnt have the money and its not my responsibility to pay for it . The counselor told me I was jealous. She even kisses it on its mouth and gets offended when I dont kiss her directly after having her lips on the dog. Were simply not in the business of alienating friends and family over a dog. Are you a selfish, immature bitch? She doesnt know the meaning of no and in general sucks. I didnt know how blurred the line had became between him and his dog? Her reasoning is that she wants to know what the dogs living arrangements would bebut she was not even willing to call the shelter herself to verify that she could take a look around first to see if she could agree to the new home. Hes had all that time to tell me about his dislike of dogs the first time he met my parents I asked him before we went in if he was okay with dogs and he said yes!

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i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog