i hate teaching elementary school

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I am constantly being interrupted with poor behavior choices by students and/or having to interrupt myself to try and get students to pay attention. They gave me a class of seniors! The virtual teacher trend is so scary, isnt it? I taught secondary English/Language Arts in Michigan for 19 years before I resigned. I understand the many, many reasons to leave this profession but please consider the many, many more young people like I was. People were often found silently crying in various rooms around the school. It was always so nasty! It's time to push wellbeing up the agenda, Every school needs a staff wellbeing team heres how to start one, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, My new head puts students at the heart of every decision they make learning is thought of as something that should be fun.. That data collection sure is somethin. Thank you. They are the ones that care endlessly, almost to a fault. The fact is though that education is run by governments, and it is way too simple to have that many people try to influence it. I cant be part of something where I constantly feel Im betraying myself and children (Im currently teaching eighth grade English at an NY private school). So when yourhigh, high, highest-ups are committees of people who only know what its like to be a student, it feels akin toa team of accountantstrying to wire a building. These attacks came from both students and parents. He just, She burst in We are so lucky to have you, Robert. I negotiated a settlement with the district, and only went back the next August before school started to clean out my room. One fear that keeps children from enjoying school is separation anxiety. Your day does not resemble that of a typical white-collar professional. 2) It's not your imagination teaching IS getting harder. I can really relate to so much of this. I hate teachers, and I am one. Under my previous head, I got the point where I couldnt go on. I had seen 5 teachers in my building suffer hear attacks, and that fate was awaiting me. My current job is a well-paid one compared to the other options in town. Youre such a great teacher! or Oh, but the kids need people like you in their lives.. The part about the arbitrary data collection for some nameless Lansing educational leader is spot on! If you have questions about the sub, please use modmail. I feel vindicated. And yet, oddly, its been kind of the same hype for 55+ years. If I could spend less time documenting everything in a way that someone else finds useful, and less time ensuring that I can prove that every last moment of each lesson has taken place in the way that I described it would at the beginning, then everyone might get a little bit more out of the experience. From family who keep giving me advice, as if they have a clue what I do for 60+ hours each week. They are warm and generous and responsible. Left to their own devices, the kids will be the first to tell you: heyll cringe at you with raised eyebrows and endearing self-awareness. Were tired of people acting like theyre in charge of us teaching when they know nothing about it. It helps if the kids like you because they will warn you when an administrator is outside your door. Would I be a teacher all over again? I have seen the dramatic swings over the years in the vastly different approaches to teaching and the pendulum never seems to rest in one direction for very long. Not sure if youll remember me, but I had you in 10th grade. SO now I just sit on the sidelines smiling and watching the whole thing go up in flames. One of the biggest mistakes that I see teachers make is that they put off the research and planning until the last minute. I see my job as a K8 music teacher as a way for them to express themselves healthily. ), but definitely not until the baby grows up a bitand it wouldnt be the same without our amazing staff and kids! Reading about the school that pulled story time genuinely brought tears to my eyes. Kayse Morris, How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome As Ceo Teacher. Another factor is that after 7-9yrs in the field many districts dont honor your additional years of experience so you lose money in the pay scale when you switch school districts. When weclose ourdoor each day and stride to the front of the classroom, its easy to fall prey to the illusion that we are in charge. In theory, this should work but in practice, youve got to be kidding. It doesnt help the teaching guilt when coworkers and loved ones (usually unintentionally) add pressure by focusing on teaching being a calling instead of a career that they have the choice to walk away from. Maybe this is the universes way of telling me to not return to teaching? As I continue to try to redefine my life its difficult knowing that I cannot be happy doing the thing that I am best at, being a teacher. Would your days be filled with joy and sunshine if you could travel the world while making the income you deserve? Looking for ways to deal with the strain of teaching and difficult decisions to stay or go? I also work at an alternative high school. People were very supportive and provided me with all resources necessary to do my job. I hate the teachers who refer to their students as their "children" (and as a parent, if my son's teacher ever does that, I'll chew them out, he already has two excellent parents). According to court records, the incident happened on Jan. 19, 2009. My student teacher was stalked by a parent. We can only hope that wiser and more knowledgeable heads making the decisions will prevail. You are assigned to endless committees and asked to mentor new teachers because you have such a wealth of experience. You were one of my favorite teachers. You will not always get along with everyone you encounter in life, and that's okay! The difference is my headteacher. I talked to the principal who told me my classroom was my world and he would never tell me how to run my world. An elementary school teacher I know who is a part of one of the wealthiest, most reputable districts in her state attended a recent meeting where staff members wereinstructed to drastically limit or entirely eliminate story time. You made high school more fun everyday. A teacher in my building suffered a concussion when she was head-butted by a student. You may feel guilty for even thinking of giving up the kind of long-term security that others around you are working hard to achieve. Follow us on Twitter via @GuardianTeach, like us on Facebook, and join the Guardian Teacher Network the latest articles direct to your inbox, Looking for a teaching job? I hope the teachers and parents who read your blog will check out my website, too. Thank you, Mrs. Campbell! I hope shes found joy in her new career, though I totally understand that there is nothing quite like teaching. Youre so good at this MB, but Ill bet theres a classroom in Cali just screaming for your presence!! These phrases crop up every single time my Top Searches are refreshed. Im tired. They start middle school as cute, eager-to-learn children, then suddenly morph into weird, smelly, hormone-driven angst factories that can barely be described as human. The current job scope that I have includes that aspect and teaching as well and I find that it is really hard to give both the time it deserves. Does that fact help me when a kid Ive never met bursts into my classroom, throws a condom in my hair, and runs away? MUST READ. My stomach hurts almost all the time. It means that Johnny might have, But Johnny doesnt know it means all that, because what he hearsat the dinner table is that his parents areUNBELIEVABLY ANGRY that his teacher had the nerve . I know it sounds a bit grand to call it your career right now, but you do have the write stuff for making a go of it!! I have been teaching for 32 years and have about 3-4 more years until I retire. The kids are great and I will miss them when I leave. I let fate and a cross-country movemake it for me, and there are a lot of incredible things about teaching that I really miss. Left to their own devices, the kids will be the first to tell you: Yeah, I totally forgot about that assignment. The most common tips for substitute teachers I had received from veteran teachers in the past, and read on teacher blogs, was to be forthcoming and give students my expectations and consequences as soon as I said "good morning." Lay all of the cards out on the table and be up-front with the class. Here Are 7 Guesses Why. Early on we are told that teaching is a calling. Many teachers go from high school to college to internship and right into the classroom. Another California/Michigan resident! Amazing. I hate the PDs, the ice breakers, the "well in MY classroom.", the "now was THAT a good choice", and the Kool-Aid guzzling of educational methodology irregardless of any research concerning its merit. Please note: This sub is not representative of all teachers, or teaching as a whole. No, your . Mrs. Bowers, You are given 3, 4, or maybe 5 different types of classes to teach because you can handle all the extra preparation. Thank you for the blog! Your child may complain of being bored or say school is too easy. After surveying thousands of teachers and former teachers, Ive compiled the data to understand the trends behind this unique situation. At this point, I was devastated, but I wasnt going to let this prick know it. I dont feel guilty about calling in sick, do you know how many meetings admin pulls teachers out of class for, do you really think they care? You are given the apathetic students because you can reach them. There is no reliable way to assess who is ACTUALLY good at this. Now we dont even have a dress code anymore! We cant say anything. Why cant we just be humane in what we expect of tiny people and their teachers? Im Michigan, born and bred. The school you loved for 20+ years can become a place you hate overnight but you are stuck until retirement, Your email address will not be published. Of COURSE I remember you, Sam! Staying for the kids is what I did for the last 5 years. Why? The parents are absent. One of the biggest mistakes that we see teachers make is that they try tonavigate this process alone. So in the meantime, lawmakers and district higher-ups are scrambling to figure out a way to fill in the blanks. These students treat me like I am less than human. Aprecious few retired with a full career in their rearview but, But everything else? Thats why I thought itd be the perfect career for me. This laid back, I dont care attitude has really helped me like my job again. I Hate Teaching, but I have no Plan B Early on we are told that teaching is a "calling." Many teachers go from high school to college to internship and right into the classroom. You should be the commissioner of education. He also told me the ways in which he supported teachers when behavior issues came up, and I was impressed. So many Id them are completely apathetic and extremely rude. Remember, the most transforming chapters of our lives always happen when we step outside of our comfort zone. and I let them because its easier than dealing with them disrupting the whole class. The assistant principal was punched in the face. A Muslim member of a Northern Virginia school board said the U.S.A.'s victory over the Nazis in WWII was 'unfortunate" and "evil.". I was paying her student loans for her and half of her mortgage payment on the townhouse that I made the down payment and closing costs for her. In Falls Church City Public Schools in Virginia, the district of about 2,800 students will start online Aug. 24 and spend the entire first week establishing class expectations, procedures,. I admit, I enjoyed it, despite the seriousness of the issues. "You know, after all, that you are in the midst of transitions, and you wished for nothing so much as to change." Or perhaps, you are saying that the education system is perfect, and there is absolutely no reason to even consider otherwise. Then help your child cultivate those new friendships with playdates focused around their shared interest. 3. When sheran her first Toddler Turkey Trot lastNovember,the people in charge asked if I wanted to buy her a medal. The first school was the best experience I ever had. But heres the thing:discussions about fictionlead to rich discussions about life, whichdrivessomething much more important than the growth of a student it guides the growth of a human being. Required fields are marked *. This mission is especially important when reporting on education in our community; therefore, we commit our readers tointegrity, accuracy, and independencein education reporting. Thank you for putting into words all these mixed feelings we, as teachers, suffer and share. They never really consider what would happen if it didnt all go as planned. Kimberly Masi, a teacher at Leonetti Elementary School, was charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child. Its not differentiated enough, they were told, and therefore is a waste of valuable class time. THE KIDS ARE IN THIRDGRADE. Thats what matters. In fact that "bad kid" track record let's me see things in ways that most teachers don't, particularly the useless nonsense in education which they love perpetuating. Wow! As such, I am leaving a government job for one in a private institution to help develop strategies to build the capacities of all staff (non-teaching staff included). For me, it wasnt about unruly students. Where? I saw that the teachers had the freedom to teach cool electives or build a garden. And last time I checked, the numbers of young people entering teacher education programs dropped 38% from 2010 and 2014. Your article was spot on. 2. I think its really a matter of finding the right school district; thats what saved me! First time through, I quit student teaching because I refused to be mean to the kindergartners the way my cooperating teacher was. I explained that staff needed to be protected, only to be told that I was overreacting. Guilt-tripping and the once you start this profession you arent allowed to leave mentality doesnt happen in other industries. Moved across the country (from AZ to IL) However, I always feel like I'm never going to be good enough for the work. Its so sad to be part of one giant clich. Just like the article said, guess its hard to understand unless youre the one behind the podium. Cummings. And Im telling you that you need to teach in the manner Ive described, and those test scores need to come up.. The air inside your classroom walls is probably thick with the stench ofIts not my fault, its yourfault, and it sure seems likethe smell is coming from the students. The problem is that for all the training that we undergo before we start, and all the in service training that we find ourselves doing, we are not trusted to the job for which we are employed, so we are made to dance like puppets, and deliver the blandest and most pointless lessons to our students, so that we are all doing the same. Our society would crumble without teachers. A day or two later, I go and teach the lesson, adapting it as I go in accordance with the response of the children. For example, what are the pros of you leaving vs. the cons of you leaving? Its not differentiated enough, they were told, and therefore is a waste of valuable class time. THE KIDS ARE IN THIRDGRADE. Yes, some of the most brilliant kids Ive ever met loved my class. I hope you enjoyed the first year in your new role! I worked for 10 years in corporate America and transitioned to teaching. 3. Please, let's allow them to play! I was a bit taken aback by the negative responses, I must admit, though I expected some backlash and misunderstanding. Why? After a year without them, you might miss their unbridled school spirit during Homecoming Week, their contagious sense of humor, the way they draw pictures for youand wave joyous hellosin the hallways. Its the students plight, too! Administrators can certainly make a difference in the direction of your day and on a larger scale, the direction of your career. . Marking is done with students in lessons, so I havent needed to take any books home since I started, and the school is closed over the holidays so theres no expectation to work on our classrooms. Courses with real-world value(home economics, for example, or shop class) are dying a not-so-gradual death, as there is no Foods & Nutrition section on the SAT. It was wild because in the time before I left, I felt so incredibly isolated. I do not EVER want them to feel like they are anything less than the most important people in the world. Although I never ascended to lofty heights in business of government I have had a fulfilling life thus far. First of all, current and former teachers are some of the most professionally versatile and equipped people I know. One day, I ended up in hospital with concussion and a suspected broken nose. This excellent piece of writing illuminates why being a school teacher was by far the hardest job that I ever hadexcept, perhaps, for being a parent of three! Wow, you have depicted everything Ive gone and been going through. This can lead to two major roadblocks. I did my teacher training in London at an incredibly rough school, lots of violence against teachers, and I often wonder why I didnt quit right at the beginning. These are the otherthings the stuffyou might only understandif you havea key to the teachers lounge. I just returned to teaching after a two year maternity absence and I regret the return. Learn how your comment data is processed. I really was not happy at this school, and I struggled to finish the year there. They are warm and generous and responsible. Well, that just made my whole weekend (and made me tear up). I often think back to the educators who, despite my best efforts, instilled the tools that has made my life comfortable. Going back to college to get a Masters and teaching certificate was scary, but I had been substitute teaching for several months and knew I wanted it. Maybe in a private school if I could afford it, otherwise, definitely not a public school teacher. Let the difficult parents teach their own kids, let the whole thing come tumbling down and lets see what happens because no one will want to do it anymore at least not where I am from. Im crying as I read this because every year I have the same struggle. This quitting chaos is becoming a huge issue for our future generations. What you say is so, so accurate. Would I be a teacher if I had to start teaching now? And dont give me platitudes like kids are always going to be like that or every kid deserves an education. Of course every child deserves an education! And you spend 180 days with those creatures, so you know their fears (everything) and their hopes and what makes them laugh. Kayse Morris, How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as Ceo teacher great and I was overreacting are. I leave and provided me with all resources necessary to do my job as way! To feel like they are the ones that care endlessly, almost to a fault your new!... Most transforming chapters of our comfort zone reasons to leave mentality doesnt happen in other.. When I leave this should work but in practice, youve got to be to. Was not happy at this point, I must admit, though I totally understand that there is no... 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i hate teaching elementary school