battle brothers nimble forge

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Gash comes with +10% hit chance, and the cutting injury pool got buffed in BD, and is the best injury pool. Reason 2 is that getting 300/300+ armor takes a long time, especially for many bros, and Nimble will outperform low Forge easily, especially Raider tier Forge. Reach helps stack MDFReach is a good option to consider for any frontliner who primarily wields a 2Hander and is consistently able to land his hits. Combined with Resilient, you can completely avoid status effects with good timing. You are much more resistant to injuries with 80-90+ HP than with 60 HP. Single target 2Handers are most able to get away with skipping Mastery. So keeping a tight formation will help with morale. The nerf to 5AP cost also made Indom harder to use on 2Handers, either requiring you to skip on you attacks or Berserk into it. They can be combined for additional protection against injuries and AID. With Sword Mastery (BD) and CS, Gash can inflict injuries with just 1/12th of opponents HP (8.3%). You can deal Injuries plenty enough without CS to make fine enough use of Executioner. Instead you should be looking at the bro in question, what role he can fill, what roles your party needs to be filled, and which perks can help a character succeed in that role. 2H Hammer benefits more because of the AoE eating FAT and Stagger immediately updating the turn order. This makes it entirely possible to ditch your hat and focus on more body armor. FencersDuelist is an auto-pick for any Fencing build. Compare that to other defensive picks like Shield Spec, Underdog, Reach, Gifted, or even against other stat perks. A level 14 unit with Gifted will still be 3 rolls ahead of a level 14 unit without Gifted. Furthermore, it doesnt cost a perk point since Bow or Crossbow Mastery can be picked instead of Bags. + Doubles accuracy when shooting into cover (25% 50% of base hit chance) Making use of Bullseye means intentionally halving your accuracy Half accuracy is still not reliable enough to justify shooting into cover Shooting into cover means more missed shots than just not trying to use Bullseye in the first place, A target is in cover when standing behind another unit or obstacle (like a rock/tree) You can tell when a target is in cover when aiming at them if you see a red/orange shield icon appear on the object in front of the target The 50%/75% hit chance penalty is multiplicative Without Bullseye, shooting a covered target when you would normally have an 80% hit chance gets dropped to a 20% hit chance With bullseye in the same scenario, we would have a 40% hit chance The game technically rolls obstruction separately, and then if you pass the obstruction check it rolls your actual shot as per normal. Warbow: Throw debuffs at rangeWarbow is weak enough against armor to get value out of the 1-14 damage window for Fearsome. Some weapons/builds benefit more than others. You can be very aggressive with 2Handers and/or Polearm users that have poor defense by having Footwork to get out of any halfway dangerous situations. Misconception Nimble is all about Initiative, Dodge, Duelist, Footwork and flankersThis is a trope. Misconception Pathfinder is all or nothing for your teamNo. Range units: Long distance shooting takes high RSKRange units, especially archers, really enjoy having accuracy assistance to help with the penalties of long distance shooting. Similar deal against Unholds and Lindwurms. Essentially, it acts as a multiplier on total armor durability. They are not a package deal. +5 skill isnt very good compared to other stat perks while +10 is good (comparable to Gifted) and +15 is great. Early game: Dodge excelsDodge is one of the best perks in the early game for a number of reasons. 6AP 2Handers have better AP synergy with skills like Rotation/Footwork, but Duelists have better AP synergy with Indom. Dodge for example is probably a 10/10 on some builds and a 1/10 on others, so how do we give it a singular rating quantitatively? Related perks Colossus, Recover, Executioner, Dodge, Fortified Mind, Steel Brow, Anticipation, Shield Expert, Brawny, Relentless, Rally the Troops, Overwhelm, Lone Wolf, Head Hunter, Nimble, Battle Forged, Fearsome, Duelist, Killing Frenzy, Indomitable. For example, in a vacuum, if we deal 10 HP damage, we have a 27% chance to drop morale on Orc Warriors on first hit, and 13% against Chosen. However, if you wish to use other expensive skills on your Banner then Recover might interest you more. Also reduces Fatigue cost of Nets/Grenades. You are also vulnerable to things like Daze or Broken Nose (from Chosen Mace) which could prevent your next Indom. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');For instance, a Fighting Spear (25% AID) body hit rolling maximum HP damage (40) can deal up to 10 (40 x 25%) HP damage through armor. Even if you had multiple 100 skill Bullseye archers (which you dont lets be honest) this strategy still isnt reliable. Anti-AlpRally will wake your whole team (if in range) which can improve action economy in Alps fights. Misconception Underdog is an auto-pick on every frontlinerNo. It comes with a hefty FAT cost and -15 Accuracy so you do need a bro with high FAT and Skill to make this work reliably. But otherwise, pairing those with another ranged weapon should address any ammunition problem (see the relevant section below). In some ways this is similar to weapon specs as far as saving FAT goes, but of course it depends on how much you move. Flail Duelists will benefit a lot from this. Realistically, you wont be using Lash every attack as it is too expensive, but you dont need to either. Generally speaking, trying to level your Resolve naturally with a couple +4 rolls and maybe a Trophy is more efficient than using a perk point to fix a bros Resolve problem. On the defensive side, Shield Expert is +5 MDF or +10 while Shieldwalling. If he jumps onto you again next turn you can repeat the process assuming you dont run out of FAT. Dagger MasteryDaggers/Qatal can attack three times per turn with Mastery which means three Overwhelms. Also be warned that your own Nimble bros will need to be more concerned about eating Ancient Dead attacks and other Fearsome enemies for the same reason. As distance closes, you will get dropped to the base +10 RDF gain. So leveling up faster with a dead perk is going to do you a very slight disservice here. Misconception Brawny is an auto-pick for heavy armor usersNo, decide for yourself if the FAT gain is worth the perk cost. Any status effect with a finite duration (e.g. It is not too hard to have cleared the map, including legendary locations, by day 150 or 200 with a team of mostly average to good bros. The following are a few example enemies against an 80hp 300/300 Forge bro using AFP attachment, and with or without Brow. Hexe are one of the more dangerous enemies in the game and Resilient makes them significantly easier because being Charmed for 1 turn instead of 2 is a huge difference, and you can even negate the Charm entirely with good timing. Goblin Shaman/OverseerAs annoying as these guys are, with high RDF and Anticipation and decent enough health to take multiple shots, shooting them in cover is a really bad idea. There is no need to unzip it. Even if you run 20 FAT per turn (many 1Handers with Spec) you are only slowly accumulating and only slowly losing Dodge value. Despite existing early in the perk tree, Brawny wont actually start giving good value until you get your hands on some heavy armor which tends to take some time. Throwing + Melee hybrid can maybe get away without it if you dont mind giving up half a turn to switch to melee and you dont plan on going back to Throwing after. It has been beaten without Pathfinder however, so dont feel like it is forced. Mind only equals in value if you are at 48 or higher Resolve (after Banner buff). Of course compare it to other stat based perks and make the choice that makes the most sense for your needs. This build is a good way to make use of a unit with high MSK and FAT but maybe has poor MDF as the shield can compensate. Berserk synergy: Attack more2Handers can easily proc Berserk due to their high damage, and more attacks means more chances for Reach stacks. This means that if you turn Frenzy online this turn but have no AP left to do anything, then you only actually got one turn of value (next turn). 2Handers can deal high damage on capped Fatigue2Handers generally do not need Recover unless you are pairing it with some other expensive skill (i.e. 45% Juggler/Killer with other weapon bonuses, Famed items. As the lengthy mechanics might suggest, Taunt is a perk that will take some practice to get the hang of. This is very noticeable, especially on Nimble units who will take a lot of Fearsome chips. FA is all about reliability. You have to out-speed your opponentThis is not always a trivial task. Having Frenzy up next turn makes it easier to get more kills to get more Berserks and Frenzies later. Using Colossus on top would still be good, just pointing out this interaction as Colossus is a good pick on Forge, so by extension if Nimble can be better then it is also a good pick. Anti-Polearm: Tanks can struggle to draw Polearms without TauntPolearm hordes (Ancient Dead) are highly threatening to your damage dealers and it is difficult for a regular tank to exert his influence over these enemies. 2H Gains a little accuracy on the AoE which is hard to use, and no help to regular attacks except FAT, making Mastery more skippable unless using the Berserk Chain. Are two additional bag slots needed?Usually, the answer would be negative. QH is also a counter to opposing Disarms (Nomads/Beastmasters), as you can swap to an alternate weapon to use instead. In some cases, Recover is a win-more perk. It is one of only a few ways to ignore Zone of Control which gives you a lot of tactical flexibility. Hits to the head no longer cause critical damage to this character, which also lowers the risk of sustaining debilitating head injuries. One mistake players sometimes make is that they think Dodge is a substitution for proper Melee Defense, they spend all of the their level ups on Initiative and leave their defense stat at base. Since hit chance is calculated with both your Skill and the enemy Defense, FA is more useful against dodgy enemies like Shield Wall spamming Footman/Ancient Dead/Conscripts, Goblins at range, etc. While the value may be lost on weaker foes, it will help in harder battles (yep, Chosen). You can reasonably skip Mastery for an extra perk as well. My Banner also only gets 2 surround bonuses, not 3, even though there are 3 other bros adjacent from my Banners perspective. Sure, let's walk through the correct answer (for front liners). Low AID Duelists like Swords should not use HH. Ive beaten most of them without Recover but it is a good skill to have in these fights. This tactic works better the more bros on your team have Adrenaline and the lesser enemies are faced, but it can still be effective with just one or a few bros using it. Better on slower brosThe slower you bro is compared to the enemies that you are facing the more you gain from Adrenaline. This means more help for Orc weapons and less help for Famed items that have cheaper FAT costs Saving FAT also helps you maintain higher INI In addition to saving FAT, all Masteries come with some other weapon specific benefit Hybridized weapons (such as Goedendag) benefit from Mastery depending on which skill they use. You can even skip Mastery entirely and just change your equipment around depending on matchup if you dont desire a specific Mastery effect or FAT benefit. Are there any downsides?Underdogs only real downside is that compared to other defense perks, it doesnt provide any value in 1v1 situations. + Offers a ton of tactical flexibility+ Can be used offensively and defensively+ Indirectly grants +4 AP per turn Carrying extra items to QH to costs FAT Doesnt work with shields, If a shield is involved in the swap whether to your hands or off of your hands then QH will not work A buff bubble will appear on the left of the screen when your QH is still available. This is just about see what you can get a bro to with both nimble and BF. Backstabber can help these guys do their job and make decent use of a high FAT but lower skill unit. You dont need Dodge to run a Nimble front liner, but they can actually enjoy some free RDF in the opening turns whereas usually the stat is irrelevant. The softcap only slows this down by a little. HH allows bros to hit the head twice in a row which helps get around this problem. See in comments. 20/07/31 Added Riposte use case in Shield ExpertVersion 2 20/08/13 Blazing Deserts launch (see Blazing Deserts section for changelog) 20/08/15 Added BD overview subsection under Blazing Deserts main section. Even regular levels of 50 or 60 RES (with Banner buff) will grant a -10 or -12 Resolve penalty on your foes. 2H Mace or other single target strikes: Not as good for ReachAlthough not the greatest for gaining Reach value, defense is still highly valuable. All forms of ranged units are very good at dealing damage and enjoy having Berserk, except for the Handgonne where the AP and targeting is clunky which can make it difficult to capitalize on Berserk gain. If an enemy drops to Fleeing then he is essentially dead, so Fearsome can let you kill enemies without actually having to kill them which in a way turns it into a damage perk. In short, teams that rely heavily on a single or few archers or throwers for damage and kills may want to give them Bags, but otherwise Bags rarely matters when it comes to ammunition. Usually it's the best brother that hasn't been tracked. Prepare to die.. Once per turn, upon killing an enemy, 4 Action Points are immediately regained. For example a Duelist can start with and throw a Net without ever needing to swap anything, but a 2Hander needs QH to throw a spot Net without costing him turns. However, archers could not wear heavy armor due to the vision penalties. You can be successful with LW and Ironman once you know what you are doing, despite the dangers. This can include frontliners. Footman is 60. The problem is that there arent really that many status effects for Resilient to mitigate (see the mechanics section). Indom is probably the strongest perk in the game, but you are not forced to use it on everybody to survive. This is legacy from when there were few enemies dealing high AID. Spearwall support: Knock enemies back outIf your Spearwall gets breached and you want to re-enable it and there is only one enemy currently zoning you, you can smack them away with your shield and then Spearwall up again. Fun new guide that helps illustrate the billion viable builds now in the game, running the gamut from traditional BF to hardcore Nimble scrapper to wacky Overwhelm warscythe and Relentless stuff: Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. In the current state of the game, 60 HP 300/300 Forge can die in a couple heavy hits. Spearwall with Adrenaline can allow the wall to hold through turn 3Without Adrenaline you usually have to pop Spearwall on turn 1 because enemies will out speed you on turn 2 and close the ranks before you get your chance. Berserk also burns through your FAT faster. However you cannot gain more than one stack during the process regardless of when you gain it. Nimble and Forge: Nimble and Battle Forged are the go-to mitigation perks so they will be referenced a lot when talking about other perks, as most bros will want one or the other. With common Nimble armor lines you are going to get 5 FAT and 5 INI from Brawny. Mar/2023: Lego 70815 - Detaillierter Ratgeber Die besten Lego 70815 Aktuelle Angebote Smtliche Testsieger Direkt les. Remaining armor = 263.77 HP damage = 80 * 0.6 * 0.5(Indom) 26.377 = 0Final damage: 36 armor damage and 0HP damage (0 if headshot). Having one or more bros capable of doing this does a very good job at keeping the Hexe distracted while the rest of your team clears out the mobs. Instead, your archers should be mowing down the Hexes escort as everything besides Schrats that she can pair with are very vulnerable to Bows. Misconception Dodge is married to Relentless/Overwhelm/NimbleNo, you can build a Nimble unit without Dodge, and you can build a Dodge unit without Relentless or Overwhelm. Goblins are most vulnerable to this, but even some human foes are at risk of getting one shot by the higher tier 2Handers, and Frenzy can improve the consistency here. Ill try spinning, thats a good trick.. Orcs: Most vulnerable to FearsomeOrcs already suffer from morale problems not because their RES is bad but rather because they have a lot of health so they tend to drop morale a few times before dying which makes it more noticeable than other enemies who just tend to die quickly instead. Frenzy also wont help much in battles with few but strong enemies like Lindwurms. Before someone calls me out on it, you can use a 1Hander without a shield and appreciate your Double Grip bonus without Duelist, but if this is your main plan for this bro then there is no reason not to use Duelist. Nomads have a strong debuff ability in their sand throw. Focusing too much on famed armor is a bit of a min-max mindset, as there is no guarantee you will find a lot of famed armor or that it will roll particularly well or that you will find it early. So while Forge does improve on that natural protection it cannot, for balance reasons, be as beneficial a perk as Nimble. When using top of the line non-famed armor the value caps at 18-19 Fatigue which is 4.5-4.75 levels worth of Fatigue which is a pretty good value. Word of caution is that CS and Executioner provide no value against Undead/Ancient Dead. It can also be of poor value against really weak enemies who just die immediately (i.e. will have a 88% chance to Rally from a 120 RES Rally: (40 RES + (.4 * 120)) As per the formula, raising the RES of your team as a whole as well as raising the RES of your Rally user will both increase the chances of Rally succeeding A bro can only be Rallied once per turn Assumption Max chance to succeed is probably 95% Rally will not work on your Dogs or friendly allies Will wake any Sleeping bros in range (Alp fights). Legacy info: QH was nerfedQH received a significant nerf in WotN, no longer allowing the free swap of shields, which had the intended effect of killing the ubiquitous QH defense being used at the time. If your FAT is capped out then you will not be able to attack with your Berserk AP. Those criteria are for good bros, the ones that can keep my company thriving into late game. It is difficult to out-speed enemy range units, Warbows guzzle FAT, Warbows can enjoy waiting, Overwhelming far away melee units isnt useful, and slow enemies usually make poor Warbow targets. Info here. A good (Melee) Defense complements armor nicely. Melee bros can also capitalize on injuries distributed earlier on by your range units. Since 2Handers cost 15 to single target (12 w/ Mastery), you will always be able to attack with your natural 15 recovery. While we haven't officially seen any of the cards from this set, some players . Instead of hoping for value on missed shots you should instead be going for shots that are likely to hit in the first place. Student gives you a helping hand with levelling up. And without any armor that 60% damage reduction wont really halp much. Also clears any damage over time effects and increases stats when triggered. Berserk synergy: They proc on the same conditionA forum member (dont remember who, sorry) once said Frenzy is the jelly to Berserks jam or something to that effect anyway. Generally, Duelists just feel more flexible with 4AP attacks instead of 6AP attacks. Misconception Indom is mandatory for late game fights, Orcs, Barbs, Legendaries, etcNo. Finally, veteran levels are extremely slow and miss the point of the game. Unless fighting Goblins, it is entirely possible to build a bro capable of going first every turn if his INI is high enough. Putting two Overwhelms on an enemy is usually about 12-16 extra avoidance, which is a huge value for one perk. , so dont feel like it is too expensive, but you are doing despite... Also a counter to opposing Disarms ( Nomads/Beastmasters ), as you can swap to an alternate weapon to instead... On missed shots you should instead be going for shots that are likely to hit the head in... 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battle brothers nimble forge